17. Suryavansh and Dharaamal

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Adeera's POV :

I woke up with the sound of birds chirping. It was early morning. I looked up at him. He was still sleeping. A calm and relaxed face. I looked down and his one arm was resting on my belly. My naked belly. My dupatta moved in sleep revealing my stomach. His rough hand on my small stomach gave me chills in my spine. He suddenly moved his palm slightly on my stomach wrapping it around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. I froze at his movements.

My head was now resting on his firm chest. I could feel his heartbeats. He smelled so good. My heartbeat went rushing at our closeness. His palm was on my back over the strings of my blouse. He was  sleeping so comfortably. While I couldn't, feeling things in my stomach with his hand placement.

After a movement his hand moved again from my back to my stomach as he layed on his back. And suddenly I felt my blouse a little loose. I raked my hand at my back to find out, he mistakenly untied my strings. Two of them. There was only one string holding my blouse now. My hand quickly went over my breast holding my blouse on its place and I moved to lay on my back too. I saw him waking up with my movements so I quickly closed my eyes with my hand still holding my blouse. I heard no voice or felt no movement from him so I slowly opened my one eye to look at him. And he was staring at me with his head resting on his palm standing on his elbow. His hairs were messy over his forehead. And he still managed to look so handsome. My handsome husband.

I was looking at him and he was looking at me. Suddenly I remembered about my blouse and I raked my hand over the bed beside me trying to find my dupatta. While my eyes were still stuck on him. He then looked at my other hand trying to find something and then pulled the dupatta from below us. How did it go there? Okay whatever. Then he said handing it to me,
"Good morning..wife." Hearing him calling me wife felt so good. Made me blush. He thought he'd tease me and I'd stay quite?
"Good morning..dear husband." I replied him deliberately adding 'dear' to tease him too.
I said looking straight into his eyes and his elbow lost balance for a moment. He got surprised and raised his eyebrows. I got him this time.*giggles* in mind.

That was the first time I called him husband. And it felt so natural. I'm falling for him. Falling for my husband. Whom I married for political reasons- wait a minute. I suddenly remembered about our marriage not being a political one. I had questions for him but then I saw him after days and forgot everything. Being around him, looking at him mattered more.

"Aditya I want to ask you something, can I?"
I asked him sitting up on the bed. He also sat up.
"Ofcourse, ask me? What it is?"
After sitting up I remembered about my blouse. My hand went to fix a pillow at my back as I sat up and the blouse slipped a little low. I quickly took a hold of it and fixed it over my chest again holding it. I wrapped my dupatta around to try keep my blouse falling low.

My gaze went to him while fixing the dupatta and he was oogling at me, smirking. Don't tell me he did it purposely? No way.
"Let me help you tie it."
He said hinting at my blouse. I couldn't tie it like that while holding it over my chest. The upper two strings were untied so the blouse was slipping off.

There was no other option so I thought why not. He's my husband afterall and he's the one who untied them at the first place. So I slowly turned my back to him and lowered my dupatta onto the bed. Now almost of my back was naked to his eyes.

He took the strings in his fingers slowly and tied them one by one. He tied them a little too tight. That made it hard to breathe.
"Uhh..it's hurting,you did it too tight." I told him. My voice sounded breathy. Then those words hit me. My mind went the wrong lane. It sounded dirty in a different way. Heat rushed to my cheeks while he untied them again. And tied them back perfectly this time.

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