16. Progress..

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I was lost in her. Kissing her neck I was losing my control.

"Fuck, Adeera you're making me lose my control." I stopped. Trying my best to calm myself resting my head on her shoulder. Both of us were breathing heavily. I could feel her heart beating fast just like mine. I looked up at her but the way she was blushing, oh my god. I felt the urge to continue so I turned around and walked away from her.

She might not be ready for it yet. She didn't stop me. That already said a lot. But I want it to happen only when she is totally ready.

I directly went to the meeting area where people were waiting for me. On my way there I walked slowly till my breathing got normal from the effects and then only joined them.

We had our meeting and I went to court for some decision making and hearing for the day. Then we were planning construction for the villages around the sea shore to protect the kingdom from the enemies arriving from the sea. There weren't many left to fight, but there were still in some corners. And also there was him. Waiting for a chance to take his revenge. Which he won't be getting in this life. Or any other for that matter.

We were talking about where to put more guards and where less. I was on edge. Frustrated at just everything.
An attendee mistakenly dropped the glass of water in front of me and I shouted too loud at him.

Then I also argued with my advisor for only giving his advice opposing me. He was somewhere right about his advices but I was kind of lost. Then in the end being frustrated at everything I adjourned the meeting. This never really happened before. No-one really dared to talk me out on my behaviour but Viraj did after our meeting.

"Why do you seem so stressed? You look like a hungry beast right now. Ready to kill and eat anyone who comes your way." I gave him a stern look telling him not to mess with me.
"Okay okay. Just go to your wife. She'll handle you the best. Leave us poor people out of it." He said raising his hands trying to hide his chuckle.

His words rang a bell. I'm craving her. I've tasted her, smelled her so close, now all I want is her. Everything seemed like an obstacle between her and me. Every walking person. The meeting was keeping me away from her. These people were keeping me away from her. I feel so infatuated to her touch, my new addiction. All I want is to be closer to her. Kiss every breathe she release workship every step she takes.

But I also know my obsession to her might scare her away. Moreover she's stubborn she wouldn't just give in to me if she knew how desperate her love makes me. That's what has been frustrating me. Wanting to run to her and put my lips on every inch of her body, kiss her, suck her, eat her, but at the same time also trying to stop myself.

She doesn't even know what she does to me. She brings a tsunami with her one touch and leaves me all shattered. Puts me on fire and doesn't know she's the water that can stop me from burning but also the air winding the fire.

I had my lunch with the advisors and some other ministers so I couldn't see her the whole day after our movement in the morning. It was almost time for dinner so I went back to our chamber.

Only to find her lying on the bed reading her book. I noticed she loves reading. Whenever she wasn't doing anything she was reading. She was so engrossed in her book she didn't realize when I walked in.

Look at her reading peacefully while my mind had been in chaos because of her.
I went to change my clothes and took a bath as well. I needed that to calm my thoughts. I came back inside the chamber and she was still reading. Then an attendee came in, her head attendee whom she also considered her best friend. She brought our dinner.
"Maharaj aapka khaana tayaar hai. Adee- Maharani aap bhi aa jaiye."
(My king your dinner is ready. Adee- my Queen come join too.)
She kept our plates on the table and then left. Adeera looked up at her voice. The movement she adressed me.

"Aap..aap kab aaye?"
(You..when did you come?)

She asked me surprised at my presence while blushing. She realised too that she was blushing so she quickly got off the bed stealing eyes, pretending to put her book away. But I could see through her.

She remembered our little movement in the morning. I saw her hand went to her neck naturally thinking about my touch. Her taste was still lingering in my mouth. How smooth and soft her skin felt.

She then turned towards me keeping her eyes on the food. Still trying to steal eyes. I see. How can she be so cute and tempting. I can't wait for when she'll accept me whole heartedly.

"Come let's eat. You seem hungry." I asked her, to sit and sat myself too on the couch. I couldn't stop but smirk at my own words. She indeed seemed hungry just for something else with the way she was blushing everytime she looked up her eyes and looked away immediately thinking I didn't just see her looking at my lips.

She sat and we started eating. We ate quitely. I didn't want her to choke on her food or water like she did twice before. When she caught me looking at her. I tried to keep my gaze only on the food until we finished our dinner. Meanwhile she was looking at me every bite she took and ofcourse then looking away.

"Are you done?" I asked her as I took the last bite of the food. Then I looked towards her and she had food literally stuffed in her mouth. Her cheeks swelled with so much in her mouth at once. She looked so cute. Like a small baby eating bigger bites.

I couldn't stop but chuckle. "Take it slow with the food, baby. I was asking about you looking at me."
Her eyes went wide at my words and she started coughing again. God. I should be careful when she's eating. She choked on her food coughing and trying to catch her breathe.

I quickly shifted closer to her and started patting her back and made made her look upwards by holding her chin with my fingers. Soon she swallowed the food stuck and her breathing went normal. I gave her glass of water and she drank it.

"I'm sorry I -" I was about to apologise to her for surprising her with my words like that and making her choke on her food. But she cut me in the middle,

"You..called me baby?" She gulped more water and asked me. I raised my eyebrows at her question. I realised I called her that naturally since that was goes in my mind every second but she never really heard it.

"Yes. You are a baby." I told her holding her cheeks in both my palms and squeezing them. Her lips pouted at my squeeze to her face and I pecked them, maybe a little longer. I took back sighing. She just choked on her food she needed to breathe and I need to control.

I was still holding her face in my palms. She took my hands off her face and complained faking her anger,
"I'm not a baby!" She got up to wash her hands in the bowl. I also did the same teased her again. "Okay baby." She looked at me giving me a serious look which I knew was nothing serious.

"I.am.not.a.baby." She said coming closer to me. Making me walk backwards. This was the first time in my life. Me taking my steps back. If she got closer I might lose control. I has already been on edge of losing it.

My baby Adeera was gone now and the stubborn Adeera was back. But I love them both equally.
"Okay wife. As you say." I changed my words. And she blushed. A slow chuckle left her mouth. I knew how my words affected her.

"Now better. Keep calling me wife. Not baby. I'm not a baby. I know you're older than me but you're my husband. So call me wife instead." She said drying her hand with a soft cloth. Her words caught my attention. This was the first time she spoked so naturally about us being husband and wife. I loved how she spoke her mind to me. I see a lot of progress. Especially after our little separation.

But I want her whole. Not just a little progress but all of it. Maybe then I can tell her the truth. Maa told me they told her about our marriage not being a political one. I expect her soon to ask me. And I do plan to tell her, just slowly. I don't think she'll be able to digest all of it at once. And if she gets mad then lord save me. But I'll ask her forgiveness till she forgives me. I can't bare her being mad at me. Never.

I looked at her and she was yawning. Maybe reading all day got her brain tired. I don't know what she reads but she does love whatever it is.
"Let's sleep now." I told her and got on my side of bed. She did the same. And very soon she drifted into a deep slumber. I then pulled her closer to my chest with my one arm around her waist and the other below her head hugging her back. She also put her arms around my me and snuggled closer. I couldn't help but I peck her forehead and her cute and tempting lips too. Then closed my eyes as well and slept.

Adeeraditya - Love Of the Sun and the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now