12. Adeera is my Addiction

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After visiting temple I came back to find him waiting for me to have breakfast together.
Looking at him I remembered my dream in the morning. I couldn't help but smile at myself.
We had our breakfast with small talks and then he left for his work while I read my book.

Then he came back for lunch too. We ate and he left again.

We had dinner together at the dining table andy mother-in-law didn't really seemed that much bothered about the tradition anymore.
We had dinner in peace.

While sleeping I was at ease now. Since that dream or not whatever it was, it felt natural to me even if I hug him while sleeping. It gave a different kind of confidence. We slept at our respective sides ofcourse but I slept with no worry that I might roll to his side.

Things kept going like that for a week now.
Even today at morning. I woke up again like that Dream but it wasn't a dream. I was laying my head on his arm closer to his chest while he had his both arms wrapped around me.
I felt so small in his embrace yet so warm and comfortable.

I'll accept the fact now that I'm beginning to like him. As my Husband.

Now I'm waiting for him to have lunch together. And he walked in with attendees following him with food. He sat beside me.
"I want to tell you something."
He said looking at me. He looked serious.

"I'm leaving for some work out of the kingdom. I might not be back till a week or two."
He told me he'd be going out of town for weeks. I didn't expect that coming. I kept quite. Nit knowing how to react.

"Umm.. okay."
I told him. I didn't know what to say to that. It was not like I couldn't live without him or anything.

He stared at me for a movement trying to read my expression and then just nodded.
"I'll leave after the lunch."

He told me and I kind of felt bad about it.
That meant we won't be eating together now. I kind of got habitual with him. He became my habit. Oh my god.

"Where will you going. Is it too far away from here?" I asked him while we were eating our lunch.

"Not really I just have a lot of work to attend to. Because of the wedding I had to Postpone it but it has became urgent now."
He told me.
"I'll be back soon. You won't even realise I wasn't here. You can have all the bed to yourself now."
He said washing his hand and smiled at me at the last sentence.

I also smiled a little. But I don't know why I was not really liking him going away. Was I catching feelings for him? No how's that possible this soon.

He caught me lost in my thoughts while I washed my hands too. He held both my hands and closed the distance between us and placed his lips on my forehead.

I took a breathe and held on it getting surprised with the kiss. He kept his lips on my forehead for a movement longer. Like he didn't want to let go. Then he took a step back not before giving another peck on my nose.

But the next movement he leaned on me again joining our foreheads. I could feel his breathe falling on my lips. He held me in his embrace and my hands naturally went on his firm chest.
I could feel his heart beating faster every next second. I realised both of us were breathing fast.

The very next movement he kept his lips on mine. He didn't move them. At all. He just put them on my lips. His lips felt so hot. I was waiting for him to kiss me but he didn't. He just pecked my lips for longer and the pulled away taking a long breathe and sighing.

"Don't miss me too much, Wife."
He said looking into my eyes. Still teasing me.

Aditya's POV

I told her to not miss me too much. But I knew I'll be the one missing her our passing second. Even when were in the same palace I wouldn't miss a single chance looking at her. Every meal we had. Either u had time or not.

She might not miss me like I'd. But that's fine too. I'll miss her share too.

I  kissed on her forehead to savour it for the trip but I couldn't help and those lips too. I couldn't control myself but touch them. When I put my lips on her I couldn't kiss her properly because I knew once I taste them again I would lose it and might not be able to leave.

"Okay I'll leave now. Take care Adeera. "
I told her and turned to leave. She also slowly followed me. We were just near the door when I turned to take one more look at her but as I turned I couldn't stop and just crashed my lips on her.

She got surprised but then gave into the kiss. I kiss her passionately. Savouring the taste of her lips. Sucking and licking them. I was almost out of control. I held her waist and pulled her closer and closer into the kiss with another hand on her cheeks. I kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

I turned her to the door her back facing the door. I pressed her in the door trying to eat her out in the kiss. I but her lips and she moaned in her sweet voice. That gave my tongue entrance. Our tongues danced together. She tried to follow my face but I dominated the kiss.

Then it hit me I was getting out of control so I held back and took my lips back breathing heavy. She also trying to catch her breathe with her flushed face all red blushing. I leaned towards her cheek and kissed it.

"I'm definitely leaving this time."
I told her and she chuckled at my words. We caught our breathes and then I left her following me to my horse. She came to see me off and then I left. I didn't turn around to check if she was still standing there or not if I did I would run back to her again to hug her and maybe kiss her again.

The whole ride I kept thinking about her. About our passionate kiss. Our first kiss was calm. I tried to be slow with that one and not scare her off. But this time I couldn't hold back.

She must've been surprised. I tried my best not to go too hard on her but it just happened.

It's been a week now since I left for work. And I'm Missing her like hell. It feels like I can't breathe without her. I can't even eat without her. And let's not talk about sleep. That's a different kind of torture. I got so used to sleeping beside her cuddling her that I can't sleep comfortably now. I miss her presence. I miss her touch. The way she smelled. The way she'd hug me like a baby when asleep.

I keep reminding those movements in my head. And those kisses. I feel hungry for her kiss. Like I'd die if I don't have those lips to myself sooner. I still have some work to do. It'd take another week. I don't know how I'd survive that. I'm already thinking of leaving back every other minute.

I'm so angry right now. More like frustrated. My work was all done but I need to visit another state to resolve some matters. I was happy I could finally leave but I'm stuck again. I've never been like this before. I've loved my work. I've liked being busy but not anymore. It's a surprise to even myself.

Tomorrow I'm leaving back to Suryavansh, finally. I finished my work sooner that it'd take and now I'll be leaving tomorrow. It'd have taken me another week but I'm done now.

A message was sent that I'd take another week few days ago but since I'm leaving sooner this is going to be a surprise.

I don't know if she missed me or not. But I'm excited to see her again. I don't think I can sleep tonight. I even barely ate. That's what I've been doing since I'm here. I got used to being with her. I'm addicted to her.

"Adeera is my Addiction,"

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