13. Not a Political Marriage

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Adeera's POV :

2 days ago we got informed that he'll be coming later than decided. It's been weeks since he left. It's been weeks some kind of emptiness haunting me. It's been weeks my lips wanting to taste his again. It's been weeks I slept peacefully without him beside me.

I didn't know I was capable of missing him this much.

The day he left, I was just blushing thinking about that kiss. Our first kiss was calm and loving but that one was different. Different in a good way. That felt hot. Felt hunger and desire in that kiss. After I saw him off I went back to my chambers. Suddenly feeling detached from an unknown feeling of warmth. Warmth of his presence.

"Adeera what happened you're all red and sweating. You got a fever?"
Mani came to me touching my forehead. Thinking I was sick. But actually it was the after effects of the kiss my husband gave me and left for weeks to work. Just like that not even turning back to give me one more look. Wait do I sound sad. Maybe.

I took a bath and went back to reading.
Then it was almost time for dinner. I got up and sat on the couch waiting for him like everyday. Mani walked in with my dinner.

"Adeera here. Your dinner. I'll be having dinner with you till your husband's back."
She kept our food on the table and sat beside me. And I realised he's not here. We won't be having meals together till he's back.

"Aww are you missing him already?"
Mani asked me grinning looking at my face.

"Huh? No way. Why would I miss him? Nope. I'm rather happy I'll have the whole chamber to myself." I told her the exact opposite I was feeling. Liar.

There was no way I could miss him this much this soon.

I had dinner with Mani. But didn't really felt like eating that much. After dinner I changed and went to bed. The bed strangely felt so cold. Without him. Not cozy anymore. So I went to the balcony to get some fresh air to clear my mind.

But then I remembered looking at the moon, how he told me I was his moon.
Suddenly everything seemed to be reminding me of him. So I went to the couch to read some books hoping that might help with sleeping. Finally I slept while reading.

The next day also seemed the same way.
Then the other day Suvarna was going back to her kingdom. Her husband came to pick her home. She introduced us too.

"Bhabhi inse miliye, Aakash Verma, Chittrangan ke Raja aur.. humare pati."
Suvarna introduced him to me with a proud smile on her face. And love in her eyes while calling him her husband. He also looked back at her with a slight smile on his face and that was enough to show the love he held in his eyes for her.

That reminded me the way Aditya would look at me. So intensely holding an ocean of emotions.

"Aapse milkar acha laga Jamaisa."
I greeted him adjoining my hands with a smile on my face.

"Hume bhi."
He also greeted back. Then we all had lunch together. My mother-in-law was also back to smiling at me and warming up to me. As I said these are good people.

While having lunch Maa told me about how Suvarna and Aakash Verma got married.

"Chalo tumhe inki shaadi ke kissa sunate hai."
She said looking dearly at her daughter and son-in-law it reminded me of my mother in Chandrabhaga.

"So Jamaisa used be those kind of people who wouldn't look at you unless he has work with you. A cold person he used to be."
She said looking at him teasing him. While he smiled at her lovingly holding Suvarna's hand.

"He used to visit us often since he was friends with Viraj. Once Suvarna and Aditya visited Chittrangan for a fare there. Suvarna almost dragged Aditya there because she wanted to visit."
I could imagine his face when suvarna must've forced him to take her there.

"There Aditya and Akaash became friends too. Here comes the fun part."
She said looking towards suvarna who was trying to steal eyes getting all shy.

"Turned out our Suvarna went there to confess her love to Jamaisa." She said laughing at her daughter's bravery.

Oh quite brave of her I must say.
"Actually bhabhi he was avoiding me because I'm bhaiya's sister. That's why I took bhaiya with me too." Suvarna told me laughing proudly at her own deed.

"Yes. And guess what Aditya did once he found out. He beat Aakash saying his sister was innocent and he must've brainwashed her. Even Viraj joined him too." He's protective towards his sister just like my brother. I wonder if my family in Chandrabhaga miss me.

"He got so angry like real angry-"
She was continuing but got cut off by Suvarna,
"Bhabhi I tell you when he's angry he's someone else. Never tease an angry Bhaiya."
She told me. I have not seen him angry yet. I couldn't imagine how angry he could be for all to be this scared. He keeps his expressions very much in control so it's not easy reading them.

"Yes that's right an angry Aditya is the king Vikram Aditya. Don't even spit a word infront of him. Everyone agrees with and obeys their angry king or they know the consequences.He gets scary like that." Now I really don't feel like seeing him angry ever. I'm curious but curiosity kills the cat. So no.

"Yeah so he got angry at Aakash that he ordered him to be dethroned and immigrated to some far away village. He left him alive because he was Viraj's friend and he was starting to like him as a friend too. When Suvarna found out she straight fought with him even though she was scared for her life. She told him all about how she fell in love and he tried to stay away from her and she was the one who took first step. And Aakash tried his best to not love her but it happened. But Aditya was angry Aditya then so he didn't listen to her. So Suvarna went on a hunger strike resulting she fell sick. Even lost weight. So finally Aditya's anger cooled down being worried about his sister. He treats her like his daughter even though they don't have that much age difference. In the end he gave Aakaash his title back and married Suvarna to him."

She told me the whole story about their marriage. Suvarna is indeed brave she fought for her love even to her own brother. Betting her life for it. Does love really have that power? Does that really make you that strong? Can I love like that? Would I be loved like that? I was about to smile at the thought of him loving me but then suddenly Suvarna spoke talking about our marriage.

"Speaking about marriage, your marriage is still a mystery bhabhi."
She asked me hoping I'd have an answer but I was as clueless as them. Wasn't ours just a political marriage?

"I don't understand..."
I asked her and she told me.

"Bhabhi bhaiya had proposals lining up.
Girls and princesses died to marry him. But he always declined every marriage proposal. But with you he was the one who proposed the proposal. Ofcourse you're so pretty, maybe that's why he fell for you."
She told me, praising and teasing.

"Wasn't ours political marriage? I mean he signed a treaty with Chandrabhaaga with offering peace and protection. And proposed a marriage to strengthen the treaty signed."
I told them and they rather looked surprised at my words. Both Suvarna and Maa looking at each other. Even Jamaisa looked surprised.

"No bhabhi that was definitely not the case. The treaty was a different matter and your marriage different. Oh my god. I understand it all now. Bhaiya suggested marriage while signing treaty so that you would consider it. Because he was adamant on only marrying you even before the treaty. One day he just came and told us he wanted to get married to you. Wow my brother's really smart and evil."
Suvarna told me throwing this new information to me. While grinning ear to ear proud of her brother. I looked at Maa to see if Suvarna was serious and she also smiled nodding that it's true.

So our marriage was not a political marriage. And he's not even there so I could ask him directly. Got another reason to add to the list for missing him.

The next few days went just like that. I was either thinking about why he married me or just missing him. For every possible reason. Im almost angry at myself for missing him like crazy. I don't even love him or anything. Or do I ?

I was still in my thoughts when I saw Mani running inside.
"Adeera, the king is back!!"
What!!! Wasn't he supposed to be back late. A sudden wave of happiness ran through my veins and I didn't realise when I picked my lahenga in my hands and ran through the Hallway.

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