7. Suryavansh

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"Adeera an attendee came to inform us to get ready we're near the shore."
Mani asked me to get ready while I was already ready.

While on ship I wouldn't need to wear that much jwellery but since we'll be soon on the lands of Suryavansh I had to look the part. The part of being a newly wedded bride. The part of being a Queen to Suryavansh. Ofcourse I was not yet officially titled as the Queen but I am married to the King.

I took a look into the mirror to check I was looking presentable and left outside near the railing where he was aslo waiting for me.
We stood there together looking at the shore. People were standing there waiting to welcome their king. The palace was a little away from the shore so we had to travel through horses and carriages.

"Everything already feels so different here, right Adeera."
Mani came closer to my window and said admiring the new place.
Well I was feeling the change too.

We reached the palace. I could hear the cheers and music everywhere. I was about to come out of the carriage but he came on time and gave me his hand. I took his hand to get off and then followed him. I was following him but he slowed his steps until we were walking together. I felt nice with that small gesture like I wasn't alone in this new kingdom. I have my person.

We went to the entrance. There a middle aged woman and a young but must be older than me woman were standing with smiles on their faces. They must be his mother and sister.
We went to them and stood there for the aarti. His mother came forward with a aarti plate in her hand.
"Maa, she's Adeera, you're daughter-in-law."
He introduced me to her.
She came towards me and I took her blessings by touching her feet. She gave me her blessings with a welcoming smile.
"Welcome to Suryavansh, Adeera."
Then she did the aarti and some other rituals and we went inside.

The palace was shining. It's evident that Suryavanshi is indeed the richest kingdom.
As I was entering inside attendees were lined up to welcome me with showering rose petals on me. It was a grand welcome.

We all went to a sitting area. His mother and sister were sitting on the other side while we both sat opposite to them.

He and his mother were talking about our journey here when,
Then suddenly his sister came and sat beside me making me shift a little bit closer to him.
"Aapka swaagat hai bhabhi."
"You're welcome Bhabhi."
She said looking at me. She looked like her mother. She looked pretty.
"Thank you." I said and smiled back at her.

"Maa look at her how beautiful she is."
She suddenly complimented me.
"Yes she is a beauty." His mother also joined her.

It hit me then that he still has not introduced them to me. I didn't realise when he went towards the other corner of the room talking to his Senapati.

My mother-in-law caught me looking at him and read my mind.
"He has always been like that dear. Forgets everything when it's about work."
She told me and I quickly looked away from him. He also saw me looking at him and smirked at me. He's such a flirt.

In the end my mother-in-law introduced herself on her own.
"Adeera I'm Aditya's mother, Indrayani. And she-"
"I'm Suvarna. You're sister-in-law. We can ignore the in-law part though."
She spoke for herself.

I saw Mangalsutra in her neck. She caught me looking at it and answered before I could ask.
"I'm married. So you young couple have got noone to disturb you." She said winking at me. Both the brother and sister are same. So blunt at words. I felt a little shy at her comment.

But my mother-in-law came to my rescue.
"She is married to King Aakash Verma of Chitraangan. One of our states not far away. So she visits us often whenever our son-in-law isn't home."

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