22. So you prefer bites?

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Aditya's POV :

I woke up with her sleeping peacefully in my arms. It was still early morning. Her soulful eyes closed with a slight smile lingering on her lips. Her cheeks blushing. Was she dreaming?

She gave in to her desire last night and I was burning for her to do so. But she had teased me a lot all this while. Every morning I'd wake up struggling with a boner. While she slept so comfortably so close to me and I had to control myself.

I wanted her to feel things intensely just the way I do so i didn't go all the way last night. I want her to crave me like I crave her. Want me with the same passion and need. Her reactions last night told me she's bold when high on desires. My not so shy wife.

Looking at her lips suddenly thoughts of kissing her crossed my mind. How I want to taste her again. She's addicting. I got up before I started kissing her in her sleep. She's sleeping too peacefully I didn't want to wake her up.

I took a bath and got ready for the day. Then I went for a walk in the gardens. I came back for breakfast. She was up by then. The bed was made but she was nowhere to be seen. I figured she must've went for a bath. So I decided to read some matters regarding the kingdom that I brought together.

I was reading when I heard her giggling sound. I couldn't stop myself and went towards the changing room. She forgot to close the door. I saw her standing there in just a mere cloth wrapped around her body. Her wet hairs add to it making her look so attractive. She stood in front of the mirror while Mani, her head attendee, took clothes out of the trunk. She picked another cloth drying her hair with it. Suddenly the cloth wrapped around her body slipped due to her movements and I looked away quickly.

Why was I hiding exactly? She's my wife and I can look all I want. But I might take things too fast after witnessing her whole beauty. My heartbeat went crazy over the thought urging me to look more. Look at me. I'd never been so out of control with anything but when it comes to her I start acting unlike myself.

After a little while I looked back again standing at the door. She was dressed by then in a yellow attire sitting on the chair in front of the mirror. Mani was helping her with her jwellery.

"Oh look what I found! "
Mani said while picking something from her jwellery.

"How did that ring get here?" Adeera said surprised. It was that ring again.
I have to get rid of that thing.

"Maybe it was misplaced mistakenly in haste while packing for Chandrabhaga. But talking about the ring why are you still keeping it? "
Mani said keeping the ring back somewhere in the trunks and took a necklace to help Adeera wear it.

"I don't know Mani. But I really want to give it back to the owner. The curiosity has got to my head. And you know how stubborn I can be." Ofcourse little wife. You can be such a baby. But not with this one thing. I've done a lot for you not to meet him ever again.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known. Mani looked my way and caught the sign and left us alone.

Adeera's eyes fell on me while tieing thd necklace around her neck. Her cheeks bloomed red. And her lashes fell down. Her hands dropped the necklace and I quickly caught it stepping forward. My hand rested just above her breast holding the necklace. I could feel her heartbeats rushing. She looked up finally.

"Let me help." She nodded and I stood behind her. She held the stare and I also got lost in her eyes. I wrapped the necklace around her neck but then had to break the eye contact. I wouldn't wish to choke her unless it's on bed while making love.

I tied it successfully and then picked the anklets to tie them on her ankle. Those anklets led to our first kiss on our first night.
I bend infront of her and asked her to lift her skirt a little.
"Show me your pretty legs, wife."

Adeeraditya - Love Of the Sun and the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now