11. Cuddling

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He took my side opposing his mother.
I didn't like him going against her for me but I can't deny I loved him taking my side. He didn't let me feel alone. Suvarna also tried talking for me. Both the brother-sister won points with my heart.

My mother-in-law wasn't absolutely wrong because from her point if view she wanted us to keep the tradition going. But as he said it was upto the king to change.

And he wanted to.

After him reasoning his mother noone talked about it. We quitely ate and left to our respective chambers.

I came directly to the balcony over viewing the personal garden just below. There was a small pond there. The moon shining in the water. It looked so dreamy with leaves and flowers dancing with the mild wind.

Suryavansh isn't as cold as Chandrabhaaga but at night it's breezy enough to cool the temperature.

I saw him coming inside the chamber while I left to change into light clothes and get ready to sleep.

After changing I came back and saw him standing where I was before. At the balcony looking at the moon. He looked deep in his thoughts. His hair flowing with the wind and his eyes dark but still shining in the moonlight.
His face glowing. And his tall built figure, a dream man to every women.

I suddenly felt a proud feeling in my heart realising, he is My Husband.

I was so busy admiring his beauty I didn't realise when slightly turned towards me and was looking at me too.

"Dur se kyu, qareeb se dekh sakti ho. Tumhara hi hoon."
"Why from far, You can look closer. I'm all yours."

He said smiling at me. And here I blushed again. I didn't know but I keep blushing at him.

"Main chaand dekh rhi thi."
"I was looking at the moon."
I told him while joining him in the balcony actually looking at the moon this time.

He didn't say anything for the movement so I looked at him and he was staring at me. With his back to the moon. Hands folded on his chest, leaning on the balcony.

I caught him staring but he still didn't look away. So I raised my eyebrows as to ask him why he was staring at me like that.

"Tum tumhara chaand dekho main apna Chaand dekh raha hoon."
"You look at your moon, I'll look at mine."

He said smiling at me. He keeps saying such things which make me blush.

He called me his Moon. Like stop I'm blushing.

"Chaand waha hai yaha nhi."
"Moon is there not here."
I said pointing his chin at the moon from me with my hand.

And he just chuckled at my action.

"Ji nhi, mera chaand toh tum ho."
"No, you're my moon."

He said looking back at me. And I couldn't help but smile at him. Then we both kept looking at each other smiles stuck on our face.

But his smile slowly seemed fading away, eyes darkening, like when he looked before he kissed me last night.

He leaned a little towards me facing me. Just staring at my eyes and lips. I couldn't stop myself from looking a his lips too. They were so tempting. Shining in the moonlight and then he licked his lower lip and bit it inside his mouth.

I also couldn't stop myself from licking my own lips and gulping. He noticed and looked away.


Wait..was I expecting a kiss...no..I shouldn't act like this. He would think what kind of a person I am. First ask time then expect him to make a move.

I also looked away at the moon.

Adeeraditya - Love Of the Sun and the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now