Chapter six

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Y/N's POV:

The day started off like yesterday, still fucking anxious to see my ex again...even though I saw him yesterday. 

After talking to my favorite security guard, I parked my car and walked up to sign in. Once I said hello to all my colleagues, I sat down next to Dani who seemed more stressed than normal.

"Are you okay?" I asked taking out my laptop, pencil and notepad. 

"Yeah...just have different deadlines that are killing me, especially one story that my source still  hasn't contacted me." She put her head down on the table as  I rubbed her back. 

"It's okay, we'll get through this! You can do it!" I encouraged her as Frank walked into the room. 

"Alright everyone, head on in," he said waving everyone over. 

"Already?" John from the radio show asked.

"Yup! You will all meet your deadlines pretty easily this morning," He chuckled as he walked out of the room. 

Dani looked over at me, "Ready?"

With my stomach feeling queasy and my heart ready to explode, I gave up an uneasy smile,  "Ready for anything." 

Her and I walked into the room and I went straight to the table to place my phone while Dani went to set up the camera in the back of the room. I decided I wasn't going to stay scared of him...we have new lives now and it's time to act grown up about it. 

I sat in my normal seat, in the front row, three chairs in next to Joshua the writer. I spoke with him for a bit when all of a sudden the owners and coaches walked in, making the room go quiet. In the corner of my eye I saw someone from the front office holding a jersey and a hat. My heart dropped knowing the answer before he announces it. Maybe he will change his mind, doubt it but wishing for the best. 

And with that single thought, in walked him, Han and Lee Know. They sat up there a bit differently than yesterday. From left to right; it was the owner, the manger (head coach), Seungmin, Han, and Lee Know.

 When he sat down, he sat pretty much directly in front of me. I was going to look away when I caught his eyes. I didn't know what to do, panic set in, so I did the next best thing and that was to flash a soft smile.  What else was I supposed to do in this moment? But by my surprise he smiled softly back before Han spoke up, making us pull our attention away. 

"Good morning everyone," Han started making everyone quiet it down as they listened to him, "Lee Know go ahead."

"We are so happy to be here today, my client is excited to announce his decision." 

Han repeated to everyone in English what Lee Know said in Korean but I was already in writing mode.  Although, my hand was shaking nervously for his announcement. Part of me wants him to say no but I shouldn't be selfish. 

"Good morning everyone, after talking with the staff and loving everything they had to say...I have made my decision...." He paused, looking at everyone then making his eyes fall onto mine.   "I've have decided to sign with the Seattle Mariners." 

I pierced my lips tightly together as I moved my camera up to start taking pictures of the moment he stood up to put on the jersey and coordinating hat. He smiled, making me almost drop my camera...I need to get a hold of myself...

After announcing him to the team and taking some questions, it was finally over and I went straight to the media room to began typing up my story. The quicker I write up the story, the quicker I will be done from it. 

As I was typing furiously away on my key board, finishing up the last sentence, my phone buzzed making me look down to see a Twitter DM. The message made let out an auditable quiet, 'oh fuck'.  I forgot about tonight. I should probably tell him I can't go.

Jisung: Here's the address, we already made reservations it's  under my name

see you at 7! We can't wait. 😊😊

Well shit, I can't tell him no now...

Me: See you at 7

Lee Know's POV: 

"So where are we going for dinner tonight?"  Min asked me and Han as we are out celebrating his signing after meeting with the press. 

I side-glanced Han before turning my attention back to Min..."Um...well..."

"About that..." Han spoke up, making Min look at us confused.


"Well..." Han began. I could see how nervous he was about telling him. My mind was about to formulate a lie until Min's stare somehow made me confess. 

"We're getting dinner with Y/N," I blurred out because I couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Oh..." he said as he sat back a bit in his seat, taking another sip of his beer.

"You're more than welcome to join us," Han extended out. I shot a look at him, telling him with my eyes that he is crazy for even suggesting that. He shrugged his shoulders before continuing, "It would be great if we were altogether again, like old times..."

I could see Min make a disapproving face and that told me everything I needed to know.

"If you don't want us to go-"  I quickly throughout. 

"No, no...she was your friend too, go have fun." I could see him say with a soft smile but I know it must be hurting deep down. 

"Well, we will be at the famous steakhouse, that's a block away if you want to join us," Han mentioned as I took a huge chug of my beer. 

He nodded his head as I tried to change the subject, "So...I can't believe we'll be living here soon!"

"Y-yeah..." He said seeming as if he was trying to shake his mind out of what we told him. "It's going to be great here. I know Soyeon will love it but I'll be back guys." He stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

"This is why I didn't want to tell him," I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I shook my head. 

"Yeah...yeah...I feel so guilty." Han ran his fingers through his hair as he closed his eyes. 

"Me too but you did invite there's that."

"Also..." He moved his body closer to the center of the table, to whisper, "why is this man head over heels with Soyeon? She's no good for him."

"Oh...I know...but fuck if we say anything he would just get mad like last time." 

"Do you think it's a good idea to tell him about her cheating on him since we've been here?"

"Nope...not yet. We will tell him soon...okay?" 


Min came back, sitting down and tried to joke with us as he ordered another round of beers.  

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