Chapter 27

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Having that talk with Lee Know really helped because him, Han and I went back to messaging like normal. Also, you will be happy to know that I told Wooyoung no. He was a bit upset at first as I explained how we could be friends. He seemed as if he was okay with the idea but I haven't had a message come through from him in a bit, which is kind of good. 

Games have gone by, being at home and away, and the Mariners are sitting in first place in the AL West, winning as much as they can. But it was going to be hard to cheer for them now since the San Francisco Giants are in town. Which means....I GET TO SEE MY FRIENDS. 

I didn't get any sleep the day before, too excited to see all of them again. I couldn't wait to run into Hunjin's and Innie's arms as they embrace. Oh, it's going to be a wonderful reunion. Plus, now, Changbin is going to be joining this fun party.  

Apparently, him and Innie go way back when IN was living in Busan for a few years when he was younger. I guess they were good friends, that's what Bin told me. 

It's funny because we were in the clubhouse when he asked if I wanted to hang out soon and explained to him how this week I have friends coming over. He asked if it was Chris and Lix.

"Yup but my other friends are on the team too; Hwang Hyunjin and Yang Jeongin."

"Wait...did you say Yang Jeongin?" his eyes lit up and a smile formed on his face.

"Yeah..."I curiously eyed him, wondering why he got excited about IN's name. 

"I knew him when I was younger!"

"Oh, no way!"

So I asked Han and Lee Know if he could come to surprise Jeongin and they agreed. It's going to be one huge party that I'm excited for! Han did ask if it would be okay to invite Min too, I rolled my eyes but said sure why not. 

"I'll have my friends there anyways." 

"That's the spirit," we both laughed. 


I rushed to finish my game story and some other high school stories I am working on that way I can go hang out with my friends. I was growing eager and just wanted to say fuck it, log off my computer. 

But as soon as I sent my last story away for the night, I gathered my belonging's and headed to the guy's apartment because we are going to have a sleep over like we use to when we were kids. I guess Hyunjin pitched the idea to Han and Lee Know, which I immediately agreed it was a fantastic idea. We haven't done that in a long time as I thought back to our last sleep over as we were kids, right before entering high school. 


"3,2,1 ready or not, here  I come!" I heard Hyunjin yell out as I was hiding in a dark closet behind some clothes. I hope he won't find me, I really hate being it. 

I was trying to distract myself and started to sing songs in my head until I saw the door open. I held my breath and didn't move. Why isn't he turning the lights on? I thought as I saw the door closed and this body landed on me. 

"Aaah!" I yelled out in pain.

"Y/N?" Minnie whispered, pulling some clothes off me. "You're already in here?"

"Yeah," I whispered back. "Now...if you please..." We heard footsteps run by the door, making Minnie join me under the pile of clothes.

It's a good thing it's dark so he can't see me blushing by his elbow touching against mine. "Oh, sorry," We both said pulling our elbows away.

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