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Y/N's POV:

"Omma, are you watching??" my son asked, yelling from a distance.

"Yes, son!" I yelled back with a smile as I took a picture before capturing the moment on video of the two throwing the baseball as I sit on a very familiar park bench in my dark blue jacket with a matching knitted beanie place on my head.  It's always so nice to come back in the winter time, when it's the baseball offseason, to visit family even if it means freezing on the park bench taking in the moment. 

"You want to throw the curveball like this," I heard Minnie say as he walked over to demonstrate to our son on how to throw the pitch. "Have your fingers placed here on the seams like this." Minnie went running back to his spot, crouched down like a catcher and waited for our son to throw the curveball like he taught him.

"Like this appa?" He threw the ball towards Min and landed in his glove perfectly.

"Good job!" I yelled while clapping my hands. "It looked great!"

"I did it!" he jumped up for joy before running over and giving me a hug.

"Did you see it?? Did you see how well I threw it??" 

"I did! Keep practicing and you'll be better than your dad."

"That's the goal!" Min said walking up before kissing me on the top of my head. 

We all sat down at the bench as I reached in the picnic basket for the sandwiches I made and passed out water  to my guys who drank the whole bottle within seconds. 

"So this is the bench you both began dating at?" My son asked in between bites.  As he is becoming older, he has been asking more questions on how we started dating and when we met. 

"Yup, right here. I was nervous to tell your mom that I liked her," Min smiled as he caught my eye, making me blush. 

"Why's that?" 

"Look at your mom, she's gorgeous! I didn't think she would like a guy like me. Plus, we were good friends at the time so I didn't want to ruin that."

"Which is funny," I chimed in, my son turned his head towards me. "Because I was scared to tell him I had a crush because I didn't want it to ruin our friendship."

"But not only did this bench hold good memories, it holds bad ones too." Min couldn't help but laugh before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Oh, we're going to tell him?" I side-eyed Min, knowing it was too late because our curious little eight-year-old boy will start to hound us until we tell him.

"What happened? What??" He bounced in his seat excitedly to hear. 

"Well," I said taking a sip of my water, knowing he has to know the whole story of us even if it's not perfect. "We also broke up here..." I could hear Minnie chuckle without looking at him. 

"But why mommy, why would you break up with dad?" His happy expression turned so sad as I could see Min smiling away behind him. I couldn't help but close my eyes and shake my head; I wanted to laugh but I kept it together. 

"I had the same question," Minnie laughed as I shot him a dirty look.

"I was moving back to America and I thought it was best if we did."

"So, how did you have me and get married?"

I'm happy he's a curious boy that ask questions...sometimes, too many questions. "Well, he began to play baseball in the States and it happened to be where I was a sports reporter at, where we first lived in Seattle."

"I miss Seattle," my son sadly said. 

"We do too, I miss the some of the players, the team, the fans and the city but it happened when your uncles reconnected with her after not talking for years. We went through some things but in the end we had you and got married three years later."

"What was the wedding like?" He grabbed his fruit juice, taking a sip. 

"It was huge! We had it here in Seoul, you were just a baby and you were our ring bearer. Uncle Lee Know held onto you as he walked you down the isle. It was a grand wedding with all of our friends and family."

"But Appa also  invited a special friend to the wedding to do the flowers. He gave me a bouquet of flowers that I gave your omma for the first time." 

"Wow, I wish I could remember it!"

"I think your halmeoni has some pictures at home. There's the one that's hanging in the hallway."

"I've seen that one but there's no other pictures at the party?"

"Of course they are! She might have some here but we have a whole wedding book and video we can show you when we get back to San Francisco," I said rubbing his back as he takes a bit of his sandwich. 

"Will the uncles come over and watch with us?"

"If you want them to, they can!" Seungmin noted as he smiles at our son. 


I got my glove on after eating, and began to throw the ball around with my boys. It was just a fun, nice day that I couldn't help but feel a bit emotional seeing us all together at a place I broke up with Min years ago at -- it's a full circle moment. 

The once bright sky that kept us a bit warm, was now turning shades of light purple and pink with the sun setting away. "It's starting to get too cold, let's go guys." I said packing up our stuff.

"What do you think halmeoni made for dinner?"

"Probably your favorite, tteokbokki," Minni said grabbing the gloves and placing them in the bags. 

"Yay, I hope she did!" he cheered as he ran to the car. 

"I love you," Min said kissing me on the cheek. "Do you know that?" He whispered in my ear, making a shiver run up my spine as I giggled. 

With a huge smile, I turned to him, "And I love you more." I kissed him on the lips as we walked up the car feeling blessed to have my happy little family. Although, I haven't told Min the incredible news just yet...our little family is about to grow even more.

Authors note:

Well, this story is officially over and I feel like crying now. I want to thank the amazing readers for reading this story! I really can't thank everyone enough for taking time out of the day to read this. I know I've said that in my other stories I wrote but I think it won't ever register with me that there are people reading my stories and enjoying them.  It's honestly so crazy to me. A GOOD CRAZY. 

But in case you missed my note on Tumblr, I'm going to take a break for a bit before I write the next story, which is going to be an Ateez mafia story. If you are a Stray Kids fan and don't want to read it, I will understand and I will see you in the next story about Stray Kids, which will come after Ateez. If you do want to read it, I'm planning on mentioning Stray Kids but again it won't hurt my feels if you don't want to. 

If you are a multi-fan, like me, I will see you in the next story! Everyone please stay hydrated, eat your food and be kind to one another. Till the next story!


Shaye 💗😘💖

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