Chapter 17

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Y/N's POV:

"And there goes the ball, deep right field, homerun Christopher Bang for the Giants!" I heard the radio announcers call Chris' homerun. There was some groans in the press box from some of the Mariners reporters while I had a smile on my face as I typed away. I was so happy to see my friend hit a homerun as I beamed like a proud parent. 

The Giants ended up winning 6-5 with Chris going 3-3 with one homerun, two hits and one RBI. Lix did really good today too. He went 2-3, walking at his first at bat, got two hits and one RBI. I should know how amazing they are but seeing them live reminds me all the time how fantastic they are at playing the game. 

"Hey, are you ready to head down to get interviews?" Josh asked me. 

"Yup, I'm ready!"

We walked into the clubhouse and interviewed some players and the starting pitcher from today. You could tell how upset he was about giving up a few homeruns in the first inning. I couldn't help but glance over at Min who was talking to some other reporters. I've been ignoring him all day after what he did yesterday. 

We both said some outlandish stuff to each other and if he wants to marry that woman, it's his decision. It's whatever, we just need to focus on ourselves. 

"Hey Y/N! Do you want me to pick you up tonight to eat with the guys?" Bin asked, startling me as I was deep into my thoughts about Min. 

"Uh, yeah! That would be great! I'll send you the address."

"Cool! Sounds good, can't wait!" 

I got all the interviews I needed, went to the media room and began to type up my story so I can send it to my editor. As soon as I sent my story away, I received a text from what I thought was going to be Lix and Chris. Nope -- it was the Han and Lee Know wondering if I wanted to hang out with them today.

Me: I'd love to but I can't. I'm meeting up with some other friends. 

Han: Oh other 😭

Lee Know: We've been replaced 😞

Me: Smh, calm down guys. They are really good friends I met in college.

You're more than welcome to join!

Han: No, it's okay...we're not wanted

Me: 😑😑😑

Lee Know: Have fun tonight, maybe we can hang out tomorrow?

Me: Sure!

After working on a few more things for the day, Dani and I went home so I can get ready for tonight's dinner with my friends. It's going to be nice to catch up with them, hopefully they will be a nice distraction from my problems. 

I washed up, got dress and headed out with Binnie to meet up with Lix and Chan for dinner.

I washed up, got dress and headed out with Binnie to meet up with Lix and Chan for dinner

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