Chapter 33

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Seungmin's POV:

"Hey, Min, Han. Can I stop by your room tonight so I talk with you guys and with Lee Know?" Bin asked as he walked up with a worried expression. 

"Yeah...everything okay?" I looked at him skeptically, wondering if this has to do with anything he found out about Soyeon's guy friend.

"I'll explain everything later."

"Is about the guy friend?" I couldn't help but ask, it shot out like word vomit.

He nodded his head before taking off and leaving me feeling strange about it. I glanced over at Han who gave an awkward smile. I shook my head, "you guys were right." I said before taking off and heading out to the field to join my teammates before the start of the second playoff game of the American League Championship Series (ALCS) against the Texas Rangers. Whoever wins, in best of seven, gets to play the winner of the National League in the World Series. 

After winning the game today, and tying the series at one, we head back to Seattle to play three games there, which I'm hoping we win all three so we can hurry up and head to the World Series. 

We were chilling in my room, waiting for Bin when we heard a knock on the door. "Hey Bin," I said opening the door for him. He sat on Han's bed as Lee Know and Han sat on the other across.

"Okay," He scratched the back of his neck, seeing how nervous he was to tell me. He  shouldn't be because I want to find out, I want this information.  "So my friends found out he doesn't really do much. He just gets away with his looks and his parents are the ones who have money. They use to give him like an allowance until they cut him off a few years ago. I guess she lies to you about the trips and is going to see him. One of my good friends, said she uses your money on the guy. And well...I'm sorry but I guess people have seen them together and the streets are saying they've been dating for more than a year now."

The room fell quiet but I couldn't help burst out laughing, making the guys look at me like I was crazy. There should be anger in my body, I should be yelling and throwing a fit right now. Instead, I'm laughing because I'm free. I don't think my body knew how to handle it, it wasn't much of disappointment.  I was hoping for this to be happening so I can use it against her to leave me. 

"Min, you good?" I heard Lee Know ask, sounding worried and confused. 

"Great, this is the best news! Thank you Bin for finding this information!" I wanted to do a backflip with how joyful I was, even though I have no fucking idea how to do a back flip. I was just beyond excited! This is the news that's going to get me out of this relationship. 

The guys stared at me as I began to tell them my plan I have when I get back to Seattle. "You think this is going to work?" Han asked.

"It should, if not I'm just going to blatantly say it, I just want to have some fun first."


As soon as I got off the plane and headed over to the apartment building with Lee Know and Han, I walked into my place with a huge smile on my face ready to get this over with.  I walked into the living room seeing her absence. I wonder where she could be, I thought as I walked to the bedroom we use to share.  "Soyeon?" I called out when I walked into the room. 

But there was no answer as I saw luggages filled with clothes on the bed, oh good a show. I rolled my eyes annoyed, wondering why she had her suitcases out now. I walked over to the walk-in closet to see her grabbing a few more of her clothes. "What are you doing?"

She turned around startled as she dropped one of her dresses, "Seungmin, what are you doing here?" She asked placing her hand over her heart. 

"It's my home, what are you doing? Another birthday trip?" I sarcastically asked. 

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