Chapter 30

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Seungmin's POV:

It was strange not seeing Y/n in the clubhouse today. Every time I would scan the room for her, my heart was reminded that she is no longer covering the team. Han told me that she wasn't fired but she would be covering other sports. And her absents was known because it had some players in the clubhouse questioning where she is. They would come up asking me questions as I tried my best to lie, saying I don't know.  

After we got done with our team flight from Florida because we played the Tampa Bay Rays and Miami Marlins, I wanted to make things right again. This Robbie guy is cool and all but I really miss Y/n and I feel as if it's my doing to fix all of this. 

I drove to her office building and walked into reception, to be met with a young man who had very blonde hair and the whitest teeth I've ever seen. He looked up at me in awe, "Mr. Kim?"

I smiled as soon as he recognized me, "Hi, I'm looking for Y/N, L/N's boss. She's a sports reporter here," I tried to say in English as best as I could. 

"Oh...he's on level three there will be another receptionist when you get up there that you can talk to about him."

"Thank you," I walked to the elevator, pressed the third button as I began to go over what I would say. I keep telling myself that I need to keep my emotions down if I want him to take the situation serious. I  don't want him to think there are feelings involved, just a friend trying to fix everything. 

"Hello, I'm here to talk to the sports editor," I said to a nice lady, who had to be in her 60's, as soon I stepped off the elevator. 

She flashed a warm smile before she spoke, "Let me see if he's available, what's your name?"

"Seungmin Kim."

"Okay, thank you. You can go sit down if you would like."

I walked over to the seats placed across the wall from her desk as I awaited this man that will help me, help Y/N. I'm praying that he will allow her back on the beat before playoffs start but my nerves were getting the best of me.

"Give him one moment, he will be right out," the nice lady said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Awesome, thank you." 

As I was waiting, I couldn't help but look around at all the awards and framed papers placed on the wall. There were some incredible action photos shot by photographers from the paper that won some awards I guess. But, as I was scanning the papers, I noticed a familiar name on the bylines of a couple stories. I couldn't help but stand up, walk over and observe it a bit closer, making me smile seeing her name. I'm so proud of you, I thought as I heard my name being called. 

I quickly turned around to see this large man in front of me with very short blonde hair and green eyes wearing a light blue polo and some khakis pants. If I had to guess, he has to be in his mid 40's. "Hi, it's very nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Kim," he said reaching out to shake hands with me. "Let's head to my office."

I couldn't help but gaze at the sports memorabilia covering the plain white walls of his office. It was cool to see other athlete's signatures he has collected over the years. I wonder how long he's been here? I thought as I took a seat while he sat behind his desk with a smile. 

"How may I help you Mr. Kim?"

"Well," I smiled shyly, ready to say what I practiced in the elevator. "It's about Y/N..."

"I'm assuming it's about the email?"

"Yes sir," I sat forward in my sit, sitting up, "I came here to ask if you can let her back on the beat. The person who sent you that story is nothing but a crazy person that I'm trying to get out of my life. Y/n has done nothing wrong."

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