Chapter 20

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Y/N's POV:

"Wow, I love your home. It's so cute...very you!" Han said as they walked into my place with some pizza. Thank goodness they brought food because I was hungry. Honestly, if they weren't coming over, I would have ate a sandwich and gone to bed after a shower. 

"Thanks!" I said hugging them. "You can put that on the kitchen island!" I directed Lee Know to put the pizza there as I closed the door. 

"What kind did we get?" I asked licking my lips, having the smell of pizza fill my nostrils with delight. 

"Just pepperoni I hope that's okay?" Lee Know explained.

"Yeah, that's fine!" I brought down some plates from my cabinet and asked if they wanted anything to drink.

"Water please!" Han said.

"Same for me!"  Lee Know added. 

We got our food and drinks and headed over to the living room where I put on my Spotify on my TV to play music in the background. 

We ate but also discussed today's game, how well the Marines pitcher did. They even asked me about Boston coming up; if there are any good restaurants to eat there. It was pretty nice  to just talk sports with them.

" parents wanted to say hi to you guys by the way."

"Aww, I miss them so much! Tell them hi when you get a chance. So Vegas was good?" Han asked.

"Yeah, tell your parents we said hi." Lee Know said. 

"I will and it was fun for the one day I was there." I wanted to bring up what they said about Min as a joke but I guess my mind told me not to. Probably for the best I don't say it. 

Han's POV:

"Are you going to tell her or do you want me to?" I whispered to Lee Know when Y/N walked over to grab another slice of pizza.

"If you want, you can. You try and see if it changes anything," He whispered back quickly before Y/N took her seat back on the couch.

I took a small bite, wondering how I was going to tell her Min truly meant getting back together with her. And Lee Know was no help because he wanted to tell Y/N but not after trying to help Min. He's backed out so I think it's all on me to do this.  "Y/N," I spoke up after I cleared my throat. 

Her gaze fell onto me, making me nervous, "Yeah?"

I bit my bottom lip, frightened how this might go but it's best if it happens. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

She looked at me confused as she was taking a bite of her pizza. "What about?" She set her pizza back on the plate and placed it onto the coffee table. 

"Well...we heard Min went to see you after having dinner with his family..." I began as I saw her eye brows pinch together as she crossed her legs underneath herself. I swallowed my own saliva before continuing, "We know you're mad at him and thinking he doesn't truly care about you but he does. He really wants to be with you."

Y/N's POV:

Do I feel frustrated, confused, shocked...yes to all three. But, I don't know why he was telling me this when Min has a fiancée. "Okay?" Is the only word to come out of my mouth.

"I just wanted to let you know because-"

"Hannie," I cut him off, "I understand and appreciate you telling me this but there's no point. He's with his fiancée and-"

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