{ A/N }

43 4 3

UPDATE 4 / 4 / 24
Since Wattpad decided to be a menace and delete the original, I'm gonna reupload this whether it costs me my profile or not.

Why? Because I don't see anything here that violates Wattpad's community guidelines in any way. I hardly even swore in this book. I've seen smut books literally romanticizing underage p*rn go rent free, what's my fault? What did my book have that they didn't?

Long story short, I am stubborn, and you can't just put something of mine away when I know myself that there was nothing on there that was made with ill intent. I'll accept any mistake of mine, but show me proof. Show me that I did something pathetic, and I'll never complain.



Well, welcome to part 2 of this book.

Initially, this was supposed to be a non-fluff short-stories book, but, I'm quite the out-of-place being who can't stay consistent about my plans so, I changed it. Gosh, I'm so sorry to the person who I asked to make the cover for me; I truly am. I've that cover saved in my Gallery, and it will stay as a sweet memory there, as it is, truly awesome. 

Now, on to what this book will contain-

1) Short-length stories

2) Oneshots

3) Scenarios/snippets (could be normal, could be a ship)

4) Requested stories 

5) And, I guess headcanons¿ Yeah, announcements kinda deserve the suffering, but ... Ehhh ...


These are mostly for those who request, as I can't cope with a few things that requesters do, and I don't enjoy.

1) My brain is barren; so, when you request smthn, be it a ship, or non-ship, at least give me, a minor plot idea. A single word, or just the darned thing itself isn't gonna help me. I'd enjoy a whole prompt, but if not, two to three lines of explanation are quite great.

2) When coming to ships, I'm a very picky person, I only feel comfortable with two ships of this franchise, as they're basically my peak of progression, so, I'd suggest you ask me about whether I'm fine with doing your ship oneshot, or not.

3) In case you don't feel like questioning, here are a few ships that even if I'm given a choice between dying and writing about, them, I'd choose dying.

A) Freddy (The original, withered, phantom, rockstar and glamrock) x Any possible character (except for Chica) - I don't have any problem with those ships, but the fact that I've seen explicit details about every ship that includes Freddy, I've given up on humanity—especially the Fronnie & Frexy shippers.

B) Bonnie x Toy Chica - Again, similar reason to the upper one. Plus, I don't really like the stereotype people use for this ship, so ... No.

C) Any Sister Location ship - When you see them as siblings who can't ever fall in love, why'd you ship them together? Like, honestly. I'm fine with Funtime Foxica (Simply because Funtime Chica was never a family member for them-), but from now on, not even Funtime Foxbit is acceptable. I've had terrible memories with these ships.

D) Most of the Locationxlocation ships, such as Freddy x Circus Baby, or whatsoever ... You can ask me if I'm fine with any, if not ... Nope.

E) Marionette/Lef-E x Any - My Marionette is possessed by a child, okay-

Simple explanation.

F) Foxy x Chica - No, just no!

G) Nightmares - NooooPe!

I feel like the most hypocritical person writing all of this, buut ... Comfort zones have to be accepted.

4) If you've never once supported my work (voted/commented), I'd suggest you don't try requesting anything, because I won't do it.

5) Do NOT ever ask for a smut-shot. I'll never do it. Come on, they're dArned machines, they wouldn't even know of such stuff (considering they're machines, they wouldn't even know what love is, buuuut ... We're fine with that-), let alone doing it. Sane minds know quite well about this (no offence-)

6) No hate comments allowed, or anything unnecessary, tbh. You wanna criticize, keep it in a friendly manner, please.

7) Oh, and the moSt important rule: I take agEs, literally, to finish requests sometimes (unless it's a prompt, then it'll only be a week or so-), sooo ... BeAr with me. :'^

Aaand ... I think that's it. 

Now, I'll go and contemplate what I'm supposed to be doing.


Random Scenarios from the darkest parts of my head { 2021 - 2022 }Where stories live. Discover now