{ 12 - Chica meeting the pooPet be like }

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˚ ༘₊· Withered Chica & Marionette ˚ ༘₊
Wrote this in one sitting, and made it to 1400+ words.
Now, that's motivation.

I'm definitely not rewriting a terrible excuse of a book the fouRth time, sooo ... there will only be scenes as these to serve as a welcoMe.

I might arrange all of these in some book, someday ... Who knows-

Enjoy : )


... While roaming about the new place, she'd taken note of a few things; one being the place being, larger than the one they used to reside. Another, well ... this place wasn't theirs'.

How did she figure that?

Well, aside from the surface area and all appearing more than the previous location, there were posters of ... different mascots, everywhere on the walls. At first she'd presumed those were just advertisements of some new outrageous 'toys' ideas, however, not spotting a single poster of herself, or anyone else's, and then coming across the Main Stage room — where those same mascots stood in a fashion she could only recall her and the other animatronics in — it made her drop those presumptions.

So they really were replaced ...

Her reaction to being replaced, wasn't any different than the other three, obviously. She even felt, something else for the supposed replacement of her own, something laced with ... spite. Envy, is a big word, but when your spot's been taken, its arrival, is no surprise.

Now I know why Lotso was upset about being replaced in Toy Story 3- :^

She'd bolted out of that place the moment she'd figured they had been decommissioned, and was now, just aimlessly lurking around. No Party Area missed her eye, and it wasn't until another poster of her counterpart came to her sight, that she stopped.

A brightened flicker of the optics, she placed her wrist over it, before raising it again, and setting it back upon that poster with full force. In that way, she continued slamming her only properly-moving wrist to that poster.

❝Excuse me —❞ The words caught her off-guard, forcing a flinch. It wasn't any voice familiar to her fellows, thus it was obvious why she'd reacted that way. She turned her head over to the possessor of that ... feminine tone, finding a ... slender, tall, black mascot, with a white mask as its face. It tilted its head as their ... eyes met— ❝Are you one of the old ones?❞

Not responding at first, her magenta irises just took note of the newer's whole being. It was a female by the voice, and ... it looked nothing like the plastic animatronics she'd encountered before. The material of suit for this mascot appeared to be ... something similar to her own, even.

The latter, seemingly assuming she'd been unnerved by the presence, reached out a ... hand-like something towards her shoulder, the action again, being unexpected, resulted in her immediately flinching away with an utterance of a loud ... Close to being a mash of words — a gift of her voice-box not affording too loud of a volume — supposedly a warning for the animatronic to keep back. A flicker brightened her gaze, her stiffened, defensive posture making it appear as if she were prey unable to run off, when it's face-to-face with its predator. Only, the "predator", wasn't attacking.

But, better safe than sorry, they say ...

The other retracting it to just a raise of a haNd then, an attempt at assuring the female mascot of it being safe was made, the statement wording out as, ❝Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything. I swear on that,❞

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