{ 23 - RaBbit and dUckie interact }

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1 : I need an in-betweener-

... “Pleeeeeeaaase, Cheeks-” Tailing after the female, there was only one to call to her that way, like one whiny kid trying to communicate with another. The yellow mascot was of course, not bothering to listen, as she had something else on mind that she could term more important than what Bonnie was trying to ask.

“It's just one round, that's all I ask for,”

“I don't think it wasn't clear enough already. I'm not playing your stupid game,”

Long story short, per usual, some new random pass-time thing had come to the rabbit's acknowledgement after that day's performance—a small board game, specifically—and now he was eager to play it with anyone at all. Aaand, since to him, the only he could consider that wouLd suit for this was someone his age—not that there was any older or younger among them; they were all built at the same day, except for Foxy, but Bonnie just labeled everyone around as 'older' or 'younger' ooor the same age as himself, as he liked it that way—Chica was this very someone.

“But there's no one else that'll understand it the same way as you would,”

The latter though, she wasn't at all interested, and her deadpanned expression proved it all the more. She hadn't her cupcake in her hands, and she was solely scanning the halls for it; with the rabbit being a big distraction in this search of hers.

“Why won't Foxy or Freddy understand?”

“Oh, they're dumb,” was the reply, him giving a roll of his eyes along with that. “One would make too many rules, and one wouldn't follow the rules, and I need an in-betweener,” a snort added. “And, that's you.” ...


2 : Since when did he start stealing the spotlight?

... Per usual, the rabbit's antics were concerning the other two of the trio. The obvious proof was the lead mascot himself, eyeing him through a squinted, and rather quizzical gaze. His head was somewhat tilted towards his left, where the female stood, silent and deadpanning at the same, purple rabbit.

Now, before you ask what it was that had the two standing like that to observe their fellow, that too amid performance, well, we'll just say, Bonnie had decided to steal the spotlight today, and was dancing around the stage whilst jamming his guitar. At moments when he'd stop to take a break, it'd be in front of Freddy, hence taking at least the lead animatronic's chance to do anything at all, and it seemed the brown male wasn't in a mood to bother intervening either, but that also didn't mean he wasn't concerned, of course. It wasn't usual for Bon to just, steal the spotlight from the vocalists of the band.

... “What, is he doing?”

Slowly blinking, the female's magenta irises seemed to flicker with plain unamusement, that alongside a simple huff in reply to the ursine's query. “He's crazy,” ...


3 : Juuuust a headache

... Lending out a hand to pull her up, as he did so, he'd rolled his eyes at the bird having faintly grunted at the ache rising upon lifting, staring to her as she pressed her hand to the side of her head, with a lidded gaze.

“Can we go now?”

The female didn't exactly feel like she should be explaining that to the rabbit, as, well, what he wanted required a ton load of focus, and that she couldn't give as of then. It even hurt to think about something as her knowledge of standing on the ground, to ponder helping the male in any way.

Eyebrows having arched for a second at the question, she only somewhat opened her eyes to cast him an unamused, squinted glare, believing that'd be enough to serve as an answer. However, that only caused Bonnie to shrug.

“Come on, chicken. It's just a bit of a headach—”

His words had cut off simply because of Chica having interrupted with a mildly snapped, “Really? A BIT!?” ...


4 : The guitar player's a man of culture

She tapped her fingers onto the table, with the other hand of hers under her face as she eyed Bonnie being, well ... Bonnie-

Not her choice to spend time with this rabbit at the moment, really, but Freddy and Foxy weren't quite available around, and Golden, well, she'd much rather slam her face into some random wall than listen to the Golden mascot order her about like he's exchanged places with Freddy. So, all that was left was this certain rabbit, who, was trying to be her wingman, really.

Now, Bonnie had numerous times mentioned something regarding setting her and old Fazbear a lovely date, but never had actually gotten the chance to be so serious about it until tonight. Now, don't know what venue he had in mind, and how was he arranging everything, but he sure as heck had a melodious tune already prepared for the 'charming' occasion, one he was currently playing by gently plucking at the strings of his guitar in a rhythmic manner, his eyes dim and glinting off an emotion of pride at his produced ✨masterpiece✨.

Chica, on the other hand, sure she was enjoying the music, but the idea of the rabbit preparing it for something she knew would be a far-fetched dream in his terms, as she had a clue that the moment Freddy would hear whatever's been planned is Bonnie's idea, it'd be an automatic 'no'. It's not everyday you trust a fellow animatronic that can't even keep his own sUit clean even when not moving a step from the stage during the day. Would you, trust a "toddler" as that either?

He did, soon enough conclude that mood-setting tune, with a light giggle to escape his jaws next as he bowed a little, despite not having earned much praise from the latter. Afterward, an immediate, “So, how was it?” was queried. A question at which the female's response had been, a tad flat, but enough to boost his confidence.

“It was fine,”

“Of course it was! I've been practicing this one for weEks-” He gave a chuckle, before his face lit up further with a smug look. “I call it, 'The lovers' carol,'”

Okay, maybe the name wasn't so .. admirable. And, her eyebrows furrowing in a cringed manner were half proof of that. She hadn't even heard the humans name things that terribly.

“That's the most ridiculous name I've ever heard,”

Aand, her words earned Bonnie's, quite casual hum, as he adjusted a slightly looser string of his guitar, eyes half-lidded, “Better than what Freddy chooses. Gotta admit that,” ...


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