{ 18 - A ... fiGht }

11 1 0

˚ ༘₊· Withered Freddy And Withered Chica ˚ ༘₊
Ah, no. This is nothing involving fluff. It's actually an argument because of a very amazing third member of a trio that just loves watching everyone fight.

Kind of-

So, the backstory of this is, Freddy tries to settle the feud between his two fellows, and that doesn't quite go well, as instead of peacE, there's another argument that commences between Bonnie and Chica, and, having expected some sort of defense, it's only a great disappointment to the chicken when the bear too somewhat agrees with the rabbit.
So, well ... quitting thy fight, Chica just decides to leave, but what's more greAt is that Freddy ends up following, and then ... FighT becomes a thing-

Kinda sAd-

Also, what an awesoMe title, eY-?

❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢

... On her way back to the Parts and Service, she could hear the metallic thudding of the ursine's footing, the sounds being swifter than her own, even. However, she tried not to pay mind to him, as she was aware of what he'd say the moment he would catch up to her.

Plainly just pushing past the door to the inside of the room, it was then when the yellow mascot paused, hearing the abrupt slamming of the door behind her, letting the knowledge sink in that the latter was inside as well now. She didn't bother turning around to share a word or more, nothing like that. It was as if she'd been upset by the whole situation as well.

I mean, it'd be a surprise to not be, after having been called all that nonsense by this trio's third member, and the only she'd thought would back her up really just seconding him in this regard, anyone would be upset if they were left alone to hear all of that.

Anyway, for a few seconds, she just stood there, silently eyeing a wall; completely ignoring the bear's raised voice as a question was tossed at her.

What is your problem, if I may ask!?‶

Yeah, only a flicker of her magenta optics indicated she'd heard him alright, but cared not to reply. This possibly increased the agitation on the male's end, as he'd abruptly clutched at her arm to yank her into facing him, a glare simply plastered across his face as he repeated with the question, just with a slight change in wording this time ... ‶I said, what is your problem!?‶

And it appeared the female didn't avoid the question this time, as a plainly low-toned, ‶What would be my problem, really?‶ was hissed back.

After that, the yellow mascot did just take a step forward, while a jab of her remaining wrist-joInt was given to the other's chest. ‶Of cour-ourse, you wouldn't know, bec-cause all you care of is seconding all that idiot's no-onsense!‶ Her voice raised at that, and oooh, was the distortion beginning to grow obvious.

I'd expected at least you'd tell him to shut up with it!‶

And, didn't I tell him to shut up!?‶ The other's voice was close to a near-shout there, and it only aided in increasing her aggression.

For once, Chica didn't quiet down, or try at resolving the conflict, but only spat back ... ‶No! You didn't!‶ She scoffed.

You only tried to force a peaCe agreement as if it's so simple!‶

When you can be at peace with a newbie, than what's the matter with doing the same with an old friend!?‶ Was the grunt in retort, his glare plainly narrowing as an indication he wasn't backing down from this fight, and quite sooner did the female give back an aggressed reply to clash with his own.

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