{ 19 - Another insert titLE THiNg }

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˚ ༘₊· Freddy x Chica ˚ ༘₊·

A rewrite of an old snippet from my other book, from somewhere in June, 2021.

Yeah, this was kinda like a day after my birthday, and life was ... 'twas depressing, so I decided to cheer my own self by writing smthn loving, rewriting it now.

Ah, time surely flies so quick.

Without further ado, let's get this FNaF 1 ship scene to a gO-

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               ... 𝔸 brief, light chuckle ... That's all her jaws allowed for to escape as her hand lifted, took ahold of the ursine's, to keep it from yet once more fixing his bowtie. Making it lower back to his side, she then used her own hand and brushed over it gently; fixed it to his desire.

It had been long since she'd felt this ... calm, warming sensation with the other. Nowadays it was mostly just work that'd bring them to converse ... or perhaps when she'd trash the kitchen would be when their issues would set aside.

But really, anything like this ... it'd been, quite long ...

Of course, that typical sternness that every leader would have was still with the latter; there was no change on that behalf, but maybe, for her, that wasn't exactly to the point of too much or anything ...

... Now, don't get me wrong, he isn't completely the extrEme boss animatronic around, but he has this level of respect, which is ... quite strictly to be observed every time.

Once having fixed the bowtie, her hand then shifted to rest to his chest, caressing as lightly as she could. The other's gaze was on her constantly, something she kept note of, to a level that is.

It took a brief moment, before another faint chuckle came from her, with that same hand then curling to a loose fist, then lifting and setting back on it, just with the merest addition in force, something of a slight, friendly nudge, if anything, accompanied by a joke-ish, ❛You've kept yourself in shape ...❜

Short context ... Low-budget company, doesn't have the money to maintain the animatronics as much as it's required, and the only much ever done is a dust-off here and there. Freddy, already not a satisfied lad with the place and everything else's cleaning — proven by most of his complaints, and attempts at fixing things himself — when this fact's known by him, he hardly allows even the employees to touch him, "preserving" his cleaner state, apparently.

But what the chicken could tell, was the exact opposite, hence that prior remark was simply light sarcasm.

Just after she'd said so, the male wrapped an arm around; pulled her closer to himself, a softer exhale making its way from her voice-box as a reaction ...

Taking a moment from that, her gaze once more lifted after, simply to fixate upon the bear, and only finding his own eyes gazing right back, therefore a tilt of her head followed ...

... During this, locking of eyes' moment, her face more unnoticeably fell for a second ... Why? Heh ... she'd spotted exhaustion in his gaze ... exhaustion which wouldn't show in any other form due to it being masked so well, but since one can't mask their eyes, she could see that tiredness peeking through ... his eyes had become duller, paler, almost drained ...

... Possibly from similar actions as the one prior which she'd stopped him from, and what that was, heh ... simple answer : rearrangment, and a lot of it-

Her eyes were already filled with emotion, when that was noticed, an empathetic glimmer dimmed them, just faintly. Then, letting out a quiet ... really just, almost inaudible exhale, her other hand trailed over to the male's shoulder ...

... Motionless otherwise for a second, the female mascot eventually leaned a bit to close in the small gap between them, just by her head resting to his' ... Heh ... When she'd felt him returning that, she could simply sense a warmth, swiveling all around ...

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