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... A sudden pang upon her body caused her to jolt at first; attempt at waking up, though, it just felt that she couldn't, as if something kept her from doing so. Seconds passing to that, and then another abrupt sting welcomed her, this time resulting in a pained yelp as she jumped awake, the sudden flicker in her optics glazed with that throbbing sense that soared through every of her systems. Peculiarly, she didn't see what was in front while doing the action, only just having her mind clouded with that charging pain.

Right at that moment, she felt warmth at the side of her face, forcing her yelp to die down to more of a quiet—wordless plead of help, the mere contact then slightly increasing its force as to allow for her to rest back against the cold concrete behind. Despite the pain numbing her of anything, the warmth from that touch became the only sooth to her, right then, her leaning in to the hand of what or whoever it was. There was this trustful feeling sparking amongst the only other sense within—she knew, she could trust whoever this was, the tenderness just seemed to have said it all to her.

As words were unpronounceable, she only gave out another pleading cry, hoping for the other there, to understand; it was a harsh feeling, and she needed more than just the touch of a hand.

It was only a matter of seconds after that, when that pain appeared to have subsided, alongside the gradual return of her sight. In the first glance, she realized why the contact was so trustworthy enough—it was the touch of her leader, after all ... Wouldn't she trust him¿

For a moment, she was unable to process anything, as if she'd seen him for the first time or so; blank ... However, once she could do so, the only word to leave her mind was the quizzical utter of his name; quiet-toned, as though her voice-box wasn't fully functioning still ...

⊱ {⋆❉⋆} ⊰

... A slight snicker was given by the female, her gaze switching to the ground a second, before she then stepped forward a little to have her arm wrap around the latter's neck, while the stiffer one somewhat rested upon his arm. Head setting upon the other's shoulder, she could feel the male's head touch hers' lightly, causing her optics to dim a little out of the comfort that brought ...

⊱ {⋆❉⋆} ⊰

( This was basically written by an insane mind, soo ... Excuse me while I contemplate what I wrote )

... Her tone dropped to a pained - pleading whimper, as she basically begged for the battered male a few feet further to look up, all while struggling herself to shift in the slightest way possible, even though each and every joint of hers' was frozen, and even though the strength to get up in any way was way too much to ask for in her current state. Ironic ... how the other was just a few feet afar, yet she couldn't even drag herself to there; not even reach an arm out to touch his hand, the feeling was more painful, than any other damage on her body.

A faint hitched cry of hers' was cut off with yet another plead, wording hardly making its way out of her voice-box because of the added damage somewhere near to where it was located ... ❝Pl-lea-ase ... Jus-st loo-ok at me-e ...❞ However, there was no reply, there was nothing. Heh, apart from her own breaking voice, nothing really had sounded there for quite a while now.

The cries eventually broke to soft, soundless sobs, ones that drained out every other feeling she had, except for loss. Apart from the faint trembles that action brought, no other movement was possible in any way; it was distressing, it was aching, but there was no one around to feel that now ... were they ... Managing for her damaged voice to yet again call out to the ursine; it felt to be taking away the strength of struggle, slowly pulling away her systems' ability to keep her on.

❝Plea-a-ase ...❞ The pause in between was filled-in with a brief hitched cry; till now, it had been long enough to be assured, that there was no return of the other's life. It would be surprising, if the severe battering allowed for him to live still—or even her, for that matter — but for now, that wasn't happening. Then, she added in to that, with a strain-filled phrase, the struggle in speaking evident from the short-paused wording ... ❝... I-I lo-o-ove you ... ❞ Her tone faltered to sounding much fainter as she continued, ❝Do-on-n't ... Ple-ea-a-ase don-n't go-o ...❞ …


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