{ 17 - Subtle affection }

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༘₊· Withered Chica & JJ ˚ ༘₊·
Thought this was a fluffshot?
Well, I got you now-
I shall give you smthn like a ... parental-type relationship (?) instead, IhDk how else to define it-

Fact-facts before we start-

At times, one would think, if a group really is a replacement, how could anyone really get along with even one of its members ...

Heh, in JJ's terms, we'll just say she brought her name close to recognizable by this huge, bubbly aura of hers. She's a child, and therefore is often bugging about whomever and whatever with Balloon Boy. The reason to why she ever grows close to Chica, however, is not exactly that big of a mystery either; the balloon child took a liking, and stuck about her like a clingy kid. It didn't earn her much care or anything at the start, but there's always a time with a softer mind, when they eventually grow out of that reserved side of theirs.

They're still not very open or anything, but really, JJ does take her spot to be the second/third-most important someone to the chicken, despite being a newbie. The girl never has really given her that inferior sense like the other Toys do either, soo ..

❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢

... A faint click announced the opening of the door ...

Now, the female mascot wasn't exactly focusing, as her head was facing somewhere else, eyes were fixed upon a wall, and she appeared to be more half-asleep, than anything. A time to rest¿ Well, this hour isn't often that sort of a case but, today she was just ... tired. Not that she'd really done much, so I guess her systems hadn't fully booted for the night.

Anyway, we go back to what happened to that opened door that didn't come to her notice, until a stifled sob faintly met her hearing sensors, the obvious reaction being this flicker in her eyes, that appeared as if she'd blinked. Then, her thoughts panned over to what time it was, from which she recalled from earlier on that it had been 4 AM or so when she'd left the outside to just rest in there ... and since it had been a while since then, it could be ...


A realization abruptly forced her to shift; in a swift manner she glanced over to the door, though ... instead of who she expected to find standing there, it was ... JJ? That's who the sob came from?

I mean, if one were to look closely, even through the short-heighted female's permanent smile, there was a sober, pained expression peeking. The latter's eyes — which were also this deep shade of magenta — were dim and gloomy; eyelids low and seeming to be holding tears, even, which would've been a strange case since she's a machine, but really, her expressions just made it appear like that.

❛JJ-?❜ Questioning that, the undertone was obvious through it. She was confused; wanted to know why was the girl there, and that too at a time she'd expect someone else to come through that door.

Now, the reply ... The other female didn't seem to have it ... not yet ...

Her head tilting at that, the yellow animatronic somewhat straightened from her prior slumped posture, kept her gaze towards the kid; curious to hear whatever the latter came there for. It wasn't a usual case for any of the newer animatronics to show up in this old, rickety room- no ... They always preferred the bright lights of the pizzeria.

I mean, I wouldn't blame them, it's not like the old female didn't like the same sort of surroundings either; in fact, she had a minor fear of the dark, but with the Toys, seeing one of them here was more odd than the thought of the four withereds standing on stage anymore; in the state they were left anyway.

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