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Scenario prompt - Foxy gets scooped by Circus Baby
No explicit scenes involved
No cursing involved
No violation of guidelines involved

... Optics narrowing, the vulpine's expression only sharpened at her words, body tensing as she approached. The other wasn't any different — he and his handpuppet fellow, were most definitely serious right then, out of that joke-y, fun-loving state.

❝Get out of my way, Foxy.❞ The female's loud voice resonated about, her just a few feet away from the pink-white fox. Her emerald eyes were filled with triumph, as if she knew, her fellows would give way for her to finish her task.

But, if she'd thought so, she was wrong on that. Oh, the showmanly vulpine was doing anything, but that. He wouldn't allow for another human to lose their life; not this one, not any.

Her large hand upon his shoulder shook his smaller structure, but it wasn't enough to make him move, not even in the slightest. He and his fellow Funtime had promised to protect this child, and, they weren't backing down from it, it seemed.

❝You know, you can't go against my command.❞

❝I will, if it's wrong!❞ The latter hissed in return, opening his clenched fist in more of a claw-like manner, ready to attack her, if she tried.

❝I see ...❞ A tch was added to her words, her gaze half-lidded, her head raised in pride. Ah, she could be so intimidating, if her cowardice hadn't forced her to work for the man. ❝Guess we'll do this the hard way.❞

A low snarl was the response, however, he cut it off when a crashing sound, followed by the emittance of crackling sparks grabbed his attention, head snapping to his left to find the purple-white ursine, on the floor. His head was, crushed, almost.

That was so abrupt, that he couldn't properly react even, before he felt something sharp bash into his own head, and with a loud yelp, did his vision fade to black. Seconds following, and his body had collapsed, as well ...

What a way to end a story …


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