{ 3 - Foxy and Bonnie being Freddy's sidekicks }

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˚ ༘ The Unwithereds ˚ ༘
Freddy, Foxy and Bonnie
The three have been close ever since the beginning, so, even the most humiliating of jokes from one another, is funny, in their opinion. While some may come out to frustrate their leader, eventually; that annoyance, is never too much.


... The male huffed to himself, lightly taking out all of the plush toys from that box. It wasn't that he had lost his mind or something, but rather, the reason to his 'emptying the box' was his two fellows.

Bonnie and Foxy had hidden his mic somewhere, again.

He didn't know what fun they got from it, but, the two boys enjoyed it, so he wouldn't bother to ever ask, either. It was fun to have something to do in that place other than wait for the morning, be it searching for his microphone, even.

His hands immediately stopped pulling out more of the plush-toys once one came in contact with another of his fellows' plush. Eyeing it with, what one would term as wonder, mayhaps, the ursine's sapphire optics stayed locked on it for quite a while.

It wasn't until his head decided to remind him of what he was doing there, by a small amount of concrete from the ceiling dropping on his face —totally a safe structure— resulting in the male to grunt quietly, and set away the plush, instead shifting his hands to clean up that gray from his muzzle, and the rest of his face.

Once over with that, he cast a brief glance to that plush-toy, and then shook his head to avert his attention back to the box.

However, right as he'd resumed with, that, his ear flicked to sensing presence, before he somewhat jumped at a certain russet hand curling around the very plush he'd been looking at a while earlier. Blinking as to contain himself, the brown male glanced to the possessor—aka, the vulpine behind, who, well ... He had a very interesting smirk adorning his features.

A bit of an eyebrow raised, he began by inquiring first, ❝And, what's the smirk about?❞

Apart from slightly sharpening his expression, the pirate did nothing else, whilst Freddy flinched upon a certain arm draping over him from the opposite side, hearing the voice of a very familiar rabbit.

❝It's because he feels so happy for his captain.❞

Happy? Why was the latter happy again?

❝And, why?❞

The ursine's question was met with the fox's answer from the other side, all as Freddy stared from one mascot, to the other in utter confusion. You don't expect your fellows to come out of nowhere, like that, in mid-search of something important. ❝'Cause me cap'n 'as fallen in love.❞

Ears just merely perking up at that, he squinted, looking into the single yellow optic visible on his right. ❝What?❞

❝Aye ... Ye reckon we don' see, huh?❞ The jolly spirit in his tone, was completely being opposed by the much confused demeanor of his leader. He only wanted his mic, what had this come to ...

He eyed the two for a moment, remaining silent on his behalf, while they continued to chant about how their boss had found love and yadda, yadda, yadda ... He eventually cut in to their assumptions with a half-amused scoff. ❝And, with who? You both?❞

He received kind of a heavy pat on his shoulder, for one moment making him think he was going to lose it, that's why his hand reached there to stop the vulpine. ❝That's enough of that ... Answer me, now.❞

The response; Foxy lifting up the plush graciously, having his smirk, change to a grin. Now, onto whose plush this was, well ... only one mascot possessed a bright yellow suit, complimenting to it being the piercing magenta hue that was engraved into the eyes. Call me a romantic for stating all that, but, her usual demeanor was definitely reciprocated by her appearance.

❝Ye know ...❞

That second-lasting amusement, switched to unamusement, as the ursine eyed the plush briefly, before looking back to the latter, his expression plainly signifying a 'you're not serious, right?'

❝A, plush?❞

❝Nye ... The lass be'ind th' plush.❞

At that mention, he blinked a little, and shook his head, huffing as he shifted his fixate—and focus, back to the box. His mic, was more important than this conversation, at the moment at least.

He could tell the two had shifted close to the table as well, especially by the weight of the russet male's enTire arm—and, the latter's whole self— upon his shoulder, slightly deadpanning as he took out another of the plush-toys as quickly as he could. Having to bear—no pun intended— with the questions and statements arising from this conversation was going to require a whole new supply of tolerance.

❝Foxy is the master at telling who'll be loving who, even about the humans, so I don't think he's wrong, right?❞ The rabbit completely seconding his fellow, and, Freddy being stuck in between this ... Quite an interesting time, this was.

When the tall-eared mascot repeated that 'right' two times in a row, he couldn't help but avert his eyes to him, the frustration of being unable to find his mic, glinting from them. ❝No, he's completely wrong. I'm looking for something here ... Why not let me search for it, or hand it to me, yourself?❞

When it seemed the latter was taken aback by that, he dropped that sternness, and looked back to the box, now finding it completely empty. Perfect, it wasn't there so ... where even was it?

Well, there's no Fazbear performing on Stage if he doesn't have his mic; he had to do anything to find it before the employees did found out he didn't have one, and decided to leave him out the next morning — yeah, it wasn't anywhere near 6, but with that progress, it appeared it would be sooner ... Aaand, it seemed the other two were now thinking of fully using that to their advantage, evident by the quiet giggles of the two males both his ears were basically dealing with. Proven further, when the rabbit whispered a, ❝You'll get your mic, when you admit you like her.❞

Perfect ... Just what was needed. The two toying with this weakness, he couldn't do anything, but give a sigh of defeat, before, well ... going off to search for it ... Yeeaah, just before he could give in, he was going to have one final good search. Foxy and Bonnie were only exchanging triumphant glances, in the meanwhile.


Well, they surely had something planned, as, the poor ursine still returned with nothing in hand, a narrowed gaze being fixed upon the two other members of this trio. They were ready to greet him with open arms.

❝So, you admit?❞

A deep sigh heaved, the brown male, placed a hand to his forehead, in a manner of pinching it slightly — if that were possible, afterward giving a mere nod of admittance ...


... Well, what happened next ... The brief explanation of it would be, Foxy chanting ❝~Cap'n be in love wit' th' lassie.❞in nearly the entire pizzeria, with Freddy at his tail trying to shut him up as for the more, 'full of herself' member of the group to not hear, whilst Bonnie was basically behind both of them, failing at stifling his chuckles in any way ...

The end¿

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