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Just two lovers terming one another as 'perfect', without exactly saying it

˚ ༘ Mainship Scenarios cuz Valentine's Day : ) ˚ ༘
This was written a ... while ago, buuut ... courage to publish- :'v

Damn, I wanted to do more tho, but my brain basically went 'collapse' mode, aaand, I could only write three.

Also, I've begun feeling that my 'fluff' writing style has dug its grave and every moment, it's growing close to jumping into it. I don't like this, of course, buuut ... Writer's block doesn't really help in making anythn better :'^

Anyway, Let's hope this isn't as terrible.



… Squinting slightly at the piece of paper he'd picked up on his way there, his eyes then briefly rested upon the only other at that table, over to the opposite side, in more of a studying manner ... The latter hadn't noticed him do that, possibly because she was pretty much half-dozing in that while … it wouldn't seem that way due to her unblinkable optics at first but really, that was quite the case.

After a seemingly short while, he then stood from there, and made his way to the opposite side of the table, and while passing her, he'd given her an abrupt nudge before going off to some other place, possibly waking the other in the process, as a slight grunt had sounded from her straight after.

On her end, really, once a force had caused her to jolt forward a little, a grunt was released from her voice-box, before she shook her head and glanced to who'd done so. Spotting the bear in the distance did result in a tilt of the head, though at that moment, she didn't question as to why the latter would do that, and only lowered her gaze again with an exhale. There's when she swiftly paused to a piece of paper right upon her lap — that showing more of a child's drawing, possibly, of her own self … huh …



… Before a rather heavy feeling took over, her steps quickened as she lurked around the hallway in search of a single remedy that'd be the cure to it, with just the briefest of a shudder noticeable in her approach. The movement only halted, once she'd spotted it — more precisely; the latter in one of the Party Rooms. All while beginning to feel as though she'd break down right there and then, she rushed inside the very next moment, and without even informing the other of her sudden entry, abruptly embraced his figure from behind, the only thing elicited in that moment being a rather quivering exhale.

She could tell she'd caught him off-gaurd, as the latter seemed to have stiffened the first few seconds, though that didn't cause her to move away in any way … besides, he had definitely recognized her by the passing of that brief interval, as alongside loosening up, she'd felt his head touch to the side of hers — that'd rested to his shoulder … Ah, that began to bring her systems to a calm …



… Both of them settled against the same wall, with a few feet' distance in between. No verbal confrontation; nothing. They both were just eyeing corresponding sides for now.

Some time passing to that, and her optics flickered to a thought; her head merely pivoted to the front direction, whilst she somewhat eyed the latter through the corner of her eyes a second. It was a small feud, and to end it, one had to make amends … She was possibly considering herself to do so, exactly why, after a few seconds or so of pondering over, she merely uttered a quiet enough, ❝List-ten ...❞ And, a brief pause followed, as she collected her words, faintly huffing in that while. ❝… I … I got carried a-away … I'm sor-ry ...❞

When the silence added in after those words, her optics switched downward again, as she waited for an answer to that. It took a few minutes, but eventually, a mere, ❝I'd say-y the same ...❞ did come from the latter, sounding somewhat politer than her own words had been, even. A sigh followed, before she nodded slightly in a semi-reluctant manner, with a murmur, ❝… I've forgiv-ven you … H-have you?❞


After that short exchange of words, her eyes averted to her side again … Heh ... Where she'd thought that making amends would get rid of that reluctance, it only turned its back on her; stayed the way it was before.

A moment later to that, her fixate somewhat faltered upon a light hold upon her wrist — one that faced the other's side, that is. It resulted in her slightly glancing there again … Heh, he'd taken ahold of it, but wasn't exactly looking in her direction, yet …


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