{ 6 - 5 AM }

21 0 0

˚ ༘ Freddy X Chica˚ ༘
Maybe, at some point, I'll write a FNaF 2 version of how this hour — half hour, that is — works, but, for now ... It's with the Classics.

This was also a request from tulxpalquelee back in August of 2021, but, due to my lazy, out-of-place, unmotivated brain showing up from nowhere, I couldn't quite get it finished up till now.

This, is also the second draft of the initial. The first was ... going to a point I didn't know what to add anymore, aand, sadly, I lost it too, thanks to Wattpad.

This may seem rushed towards the end, buuut let's not allow that to ruin the party, right?

Anyway, without any further ado, enjoy this ship-shot my fellas.


Another of the usual nights at the pizzeria, nothing new. It wasn't as if something big had happened the day before midnight struck, and just as that, the time after 12 wasn't any different. Heck, apart from the fact that the nightguard hadn't been around for a long while, it all was just the same.



When Chica had awoken, she'd noticed that the only other mascot on stage with her was Bonnie. The lavender male was sitting beside the stage wall, playing his guitar, as usual. His ears drooped low to cover his vision, the front view seemed to not exist for him, for the moment.

Casting him a glance, she then stared to her side where the ursine would be standing, obviously wondering as to why he'd left the stage early, again … buuut … by this time, the reason should've been more intelligible. Their leader was a … bit of a perfectionist-workaholic after all.




… Later on, she'd been told by the ursine to check if everything was 'in place'. Another one of  the jobs that were quite usual now. She didn't enjoy having to examine every single thing that existed in the pizzeria, but, when you're strict to the boss's orders, you can't really go against them, even if you want to. Besides, it was a better thing to do, than sit around with nothing.

Tonight, however, whether it was because of the increased want of having something else to do, or … perhaps a certain thought that had come to her mind, she was a bit quick with her … job. During so, she'd constantly check the one clock that was allocated in the far corner of the Main Room, seeming oddly impatient for the time to just pass.

It was 4:46 the last she'd looked in that direction, and, with every passing minute from there on, she grew more impatient for something … This all had to go on till 5, because that was when she had thought of going to the bear's space again.



Time's mischievous; it does pass eventually … Exactly what happened with her some moments after. By then, she was done with everything, and was sitting on a chair with her head resting atop the corresponding table, magenta gaze fixed onto that clock; that being all she was doing since the moment she'd finished surveying the entire pizzeria.

Once the clock's hand touched five, she instantaneously lifted her head, and stood from that very place, soon enough starting towards that small room where the bear would always be, if not anywhere else.

Random Scenarios from the darkest parts of my head { 2021 - 2022 }Where stories live. Discover now