{ 20 - SceNes }

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More scenes, bc yes-

Honestly, these are all more oriented around the fred 'n chi duo, mostly, soo ... yeah-

Basically one/two scenario(s)  from each place-

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1 | a paper-plate argument ( un- withered )

… ‶No.‶ was her flat response, as she set her hand to the side of her torso, half-lidded gaze plainly glinting that she wouldn't allow it to be moved in the way the male wanted, in any case. This was the fourth time she'd shifted a single paper plate in her own desirable manner, and boooy, was the other upset about it.

Call it something too small to fight over — okay, that might be an understatement too — but they had their reasons. The other two sat across the room, watching them with their usual unamused expressions. The extreme orderly arrangement of everything was always the fuel to a fight. Childish, I know … but who could stop them?

‶This place, goes the way I want it to,‶ The brown male muttered in a rather frustrated manner, narrowing his optics at the opposite-gendered mascot that stood before him. His facial expressions were no less than his tone of voice, that somewhat raised so he could get his point across. ‶So stop meddling with whatever you find to be 'wrong', because it isn't!‶

‶Oh, shut up!‶ was snapped in reply, her plainly rolling her eyes alongside a, ‶Why don't you just admit you couldn't accept a girl fixing things better than you ever could?‶

Oh, boy.

That, had somehow done it.

With an abrupt growl, the ursine immediately took a step to lunge, though before he really could, the rabbit swiftly slid in between to keep things from going too … violent …

Wow! I know when to not fight over the arrangement of a … plate …

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

2 | Nah, boxes are filthier ( withered )

... ‶Ooooh ... no-‶ The ursine started in reply, that being to the only other with him in that room at the moment. Plain disgust laced his words. ‶I, am not picking that,‶

Now, short context, the lack of hands had led the female to ask him to help in grabbing a few boxes, and since these were in a pretty dark corner of that room, and the bear had the habit of assuming there'd be filth everywhere there, he was ... quite hesitant in this. More fun was, the box he was to grab now was in a much visible dusty spot.

‶It's just one box, Freddy.‶ The chicken on the other hand was somewhat hiding her amusement in this regard, as while she'd expected this would be the reaction, she hadn't expected it to be ... that much. Heh ... they say you expect all the best from your lover, but here, her expectations had slightly lowered at his words. ‶It wouldn't hurt just lifti-ting it.‶

‶Wouldn't hurt, yes ... but it doesn't change the fact it's covered in filth-‶

‶And, you're any cleaner?‶ Her tone was plainly casual at this point, her arm(s) folded across her chest as she eyed the male in a questioning manner. The ursine, meanwhile, wasn't even bothering to try at convincing himself to go over and grab that.

‶That's dirtier than I can ever be-‶

A hum escaped her at that, with her head nodding as it turned to stare to a side. She was just intent on getting him to move that in any way, and he ... heh ... he was still standing where he was.

Random Scenarios from the darkest parts of my head { 2021 - 2022 }Where stories live. Discover now