{ 16 - Some more scenes }

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So, like, writing prompts are so helpful at times, especially when you have no idea on what to write.

Anyway, here's another total of six brief scenarios that I wrote over a few prompts I'd found, and, I'm quite satisfied, actually.


1 |  Who Reads?

… His eyes on the wall, they only further narrowed at the query. It was quite abrupt, actually, when his head snapped to his direction.

❝Do you see this wall?❞ His hand briefly raising to point to that, he only furrowed his eyebrows further. His tone was a bit impatient, slightly agitated, but it's not like the pirate had a care, as his responses were now to bug him even more.

❝I ain' blind so, aye-?❞

❝Isn't that enough explanation?❞

The latter blinked, his head tilting to see past the ursine, then back, with a slight shrug following, indicating he didn't know.

Of course, that earned a facepalm by the other male. Then, another abrupt action came, that being the bear having gripped his shoulders all of a sudden, with a growl beginning to lace his words as he'd shook his frame. ❝What do you mean by you don't know!? It's written all over this wall, dammit!❞

At first having formed a petrified expression, the pirate's face significantly softened to one indicating he'd learned something with that, along with his response. ❝I di'n't care enough ta read it afore.❞

❝Something this important, and you didn't care!?❞

❝I can' read, alright!❞ yeah, that was snapped a bit. I mean … the inability to read was a sensitive topic for him anyway …

•| ⊱✿⊰ |•

2 | Oh God. Pirate again

… Glancing into the direction he'd gone off to, her optics flickered at a thought, with the few seconds to follow being her simply remaining there. That was when, another voice suddenly snapped her out of her ponder; forced a flinch in reaction, as it had been so loud, and so astounded-sounding on its own, that she couldn't help but react in any other way.

❝Holy Davey in 'is sunken ship!❞ The possessor stood in a distance, with his ears perked upwards and his body standing as if leveling with the doorway, only his muzzle seemed to poke out of the boundaries of the room he'd said that from. He appeared as stupefied as his voice had seemed, with his visible eye opened wide.

❝Ye're … Ye're in love-❞

That catching her off-guard, the female mascot could only give a tilt of her head to resemble this, puzzled expression that had suddenly fogged over with his words. ❝I'm … what?❞ …

•| ⊱✿⊰ |•

3 | A Bon and ManGs thing
( First-person pov, and this is like a dream, cuz reality's a very different story, and I don't like changing too many details for the sake of a short )

… ❝We wouldn't … meet?❞

Their words raised questions, questions to my own self, ones I couldn't answer in any way, because they all were asking for only one justification, and that was what I couldn't give. They were right after all … we wouldn't meet after this encounter, not at any other time.

Random Scenarios from the darkest parts of my head { 2021 - 2022 }Where stories live. Discover now