{ 4 - Gator Blues }

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˚ ༘ Montgomery Gator ˚ ༘
I think most of the fanbase will forever be cursing at this poor animatronic for destroying/replacing Bonnie, and, while they may be right on their side, I don't believe Monty actually hurt Bonnie in any way.

I had this theory up, buuut ... my announcements don't always get the biggest of notice, so, heh ... that's what happened with that one, as well.

But seriously, think about it. Freddy being so close to the rabbit that he stopped visiting Bonnie Bowl, yet performing with, and including the gator as his 'friend'. Who the heck does that to someone who's killed their best friend? Not me.


... End of another performing day. All the animatronics had been sent to their specified Green-Rooms where they'd rest till the next evening. At least, that's what the mascots were supposed to do ... What they really did, wasn't quite approved by the Management much, but they went with it.

Sneaking out into the halls and stealing random collectables from here to there; hanging out in any random room the four decided on-this was most of their night, apart from the alone-hours, when they were supposed to ready themselves for the upcoming performances.

It was any regular day as that, and a practice session hour for Montgomery; wouldn't be wrong if we call him Monty, though.

The latter was the bassist of the group, and quite the talented, I must say. A star in his own self, his magenta sunglasses and dashing red mohawk only added to his incredulous design. The green mascot had a room just as similar to his own vibe; green walls, adorned with stickers and posters of Rock 'n Roll and other statements that had become his pet-words. In a far corner was a table adorned with all kinds of Montgomery merch; collectables, you name it ... What was it that wasn't there? Purely indicated the love put into the decoration of this room.

The gator himself, was sitting on a sofa, at the current moment, eyeing his yellow-black guitar, that he'd been with ever since ...

Sunglasses set aside, gaze fixated on the base, he slightly squinted at a thought; looked to the glass wall showing the view of the outside ... Slowly, words began to cloud his mind, ones he didn't want to hear, yet had to ...

❝The gator's gone insane!❞

❝This be wha' ye wanted, huh?!❞

A growl rising, the male began to gradually strum he bass; played a tune he, and only one more ever remembered, as memories took him on a journey ...


❝What do you think?❞

Pulling down his glasses, a wide-eyed glance was cast upon the rabbit's Green-room ... Oh, how beautifully had it been adorned. If it were anyone other than him and Freddy, they'd have surely been jealous of it all. The bright blue walls, and the neon lighting just, added the charm to the latter's area; completely different than the browns, red and pinks of Foxy, Freddy, and Chica's.

❝Wow! It's ...❞ Even the leader had been left speechless. It wasn't an unusual reaction, considering half of this had been done by rabbit, himself. ❝... Magnificent.❞

❝I know it is!❞ He nearly skipped the floor in joy ... Total child of the Main Group.


His action paused a moment, an eye being given to the room he currently possessed. The adorned walls; the bright surroundings just, disgusted him, for that time. Heh ... How would you ever wonder, this was that same room, Bonnie was so excited to have decorated with his own hands-half of it, that is ...

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