{ 11 - The chaotic Funtime duo everyone's afraid of }

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˚ ༘₊·Funtime Freddy & Funtime Foxy༘₊·
Another duo that if not have been killed, might've taken over the entire Fazbear Ent. without any concern.

Now, Funtime Freddy's the more outgoing in this; always having something to laugh at. Funtime Foxy's the sneak-thief, as he always gets away with all he's stolen, which is a lot, by the way. They've possibly fooled their fellows more than Lolbit ever could, and are pRouD of it.


Fact: I remember having this certain obsession with shipping these two in my ... 13-14th year of liFe. Thank God that phase is over.



... ❝No, it's actually pretty simple,❞ That, was the purple-white ursine's reply to the, taller, and more wiser animatronic around, his gaze half-lidded with a smirk accompanying, hinting off that he was anywhere but concerned about what he'd said. It was simply a dance move he wanted the female animatronic to try, and he was quite aware of how to get what he wanted. Ballora didn't like any dancer better than herself, and looks like Freddy had just beat her to that, even with words. This sparked envy — reciprocated by her furrowed eyebrows.

❝Fine, I'll do it.❞ with that said, she readied herself for the dance, while, with a snort, the smaller mascot had stepped forward to demonstrate. Oh boy, this was going to be fun.

❝Aand, first, you have to crouch down ...❞

After a long while of explaining and whatnot, the ursine came over to settle beside his partner-in-crime; the fox, casting him a smug eye that plainly indicated his satisfaction for having done as had been decided earlier, before that pivoted back to the direction of a certain ballerina who was ... Let's just say, she was "walking" about the place like a chimpanzee ... Now, that's humAnoid evolution ...



... Staring at the clown-head from the vent, the vulpine squinted. His ears perked, body alert for any sort of quick action, he listened intently to what was being uttered. However, his precautions only lasted for about a few seconds, as right after, he had to somewhat cringe and shift back from the opening. Why? Well ... The simpler explanation could be a certain bear ranting about being stuck in a vent he definitely couldn't fit in due to his broader build. His voice was loud enough to reach anywhere without concern, and so, he could do nothing more than slowly crawl back to where the exit was, finding the latter still grumbling and cursing at the forsaken vent that just so happened to not allow him to advance further.

Hearing the somewhat swifter thuds of his fellow's approach, he paused with his muttering of nonsense and glanced over, his blue optics disappearing under the wired eyelids for a millisecond as he blinked, his and the other's — more unamused —gazes locking for a second, before the pink-white mascot grunted. ❝I'll have a word with you once we get out of this.❞

And, the rest of the time was spent with the smaller of the two attempting at pushing the bear out of there, which wasn't the most fruitful attempt, as he was puny, and Funtime Freddy was the exact opposite. Often times, out of frustration, he'd smack the big head of the other male, but that didn't do more than hurT thy boy, and his own hand ... Tch ...

Though eventually, the purple-white mascot was pulled out by their boss, who also, had a lot of things to say about them spying on her ...



... Just merely shifting his position, the latter now laid on his back at the edge of the higher ground, with only his tail meeting with the flooring beside that. His arm draped over his eyes, he was resting, more than anything.

The ursine — who'd ended up in that auditorium again because of its association with the Parts & Service, where he was originally intended to go, but the bear doesn't follow any schedule, and had simply made his way out of there the moment the technician was done with his work for the night — was seated on the ground a little distance from there, having his focus on his little hand-puppet mascot friEnd, Bon Bon — who, by the way, was staring unamused-ly towards the side.

Short explanation of why the dark-blue bunny was in a non-jolly mood; well ... His head was always aching after having been tossed at the doors and walls too hard by a certain, insane male. The poor hand-puppet simply wanted a rest from this, but seemed he couldn't have it, as any time, he'd be flung towards somewhere, again.

❝Bon-Bon, say hI to our friend!❞ and, here was another time ... Oh boY-

With that, and a hysterical laugh sounding, the small male could only give a deep, obviously tired exhale, knowing what was about to happen next, before he was thrown at the fox animatronic, against his will. Ouch, that surely hurt both him, and the resting vulpine, as along with the sound of metal clanging upon impact, the two's yelps had resonated the walls of the whole Funtime Auditorium ...


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