{ 22 - tEaSers }

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Teasers from every upcoming chapter-- almost, every - :^

My brain won't let me publish completed chapters, as, an uRge to make sure evrythn's pErfEct exiSts- :"D

But yes, I haVe been writing the whole of JulY aand, half of this montH, aaand ... this is all I got-

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... The pirate in response, shook his head, all while giving a mere jolt to his arm as to have the hook on it rotate about its support one time, an indication something seemed to be bothering him, and that time, it was noticed by the rabbit, at the brief silence that'd ensued after he'd given his reply.

❛No. No' tha', lad. Somethin' more,❜

While not averting his gaze, Bonnie yet still squinted, ending up quizzing a, ❛What more?❜

❛I don' know, bu' I feel li' I've seen 'er runnin' about with an ax no' too lon' earlier.❜

Now that slightly concerned the rabbit, more proven by the lifting of his eyes to stare to the latter again, and, all as he uttered a confused, ❛Axe-?❜ a sudden ... something else caught the two's attention-

Term it as a ... loud screech ...

The pirate's head snapped up at that, before he'd turned it to exchange a glance with his rabbit acquaintance, who only blinked in return.

After a brief interval that lasted probably seconds, the lavender mascot's, ❛About that axe-❜ sounded, right after which his guitar was set aside, and he was ... off towards the direction the screech had come from, that being the East Hall ...

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


... All of them at the moment were gathered in the main room again, with the main host of tonight's conversation being Bonnie the rabbit, as proven by his elegant pacing about and ranting to the pirate sitting on a table in just a small distance from him. The smaller among this group; being the cupcake was simply switching glances from those two to over his chicken companion and then back on an occasional note, seeming ... concerned.

‶... I'm growing tired of this, pirate. I just know they're gonna shut us down permanently!‶ ... Just one of the many few things the rabbit was rambling about, and the vulpine mascot was forced to listen-- or, he could be busy blocking that out with some other thought too ... Who knows minds?

‶If I don't get any news sooner or later, I'll leave a note for the humans that a 'tronic has gone rogue and is attempting attack at everyone!‶

‶Wha's th' proof?‶ The question forced him to pause, his deep-red optics averting over to the russet animatronic, with his hand briefly brushing to the side of his own torso. ‶Proof? ... Oh, I have proof,‶

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


...‶I have so much to ask, and very little tiMe for i--‶

‶Bonnie,‶ The ursine, who had only powered a few minutes prior and was bombarded with his fellow performer's nonsense, he was still sitting atop the large and only table in that room, eyeing the rabbit mascot in a clearly unamused manner.

‶You have a lot of time for talking. For now, just let me fully get up at least.‶

The rabbit having paused to cast him a glance at that, he'd met the bear's deadpanned expression, something leading him to snort in a semi-sheepish manner, while the latter then switched his eyes from him, over to his hand, all alongside resting it atop one of his legs.

A few moments of silence rolled in.

Afterward though, his head turned as to allow for him to glance around, his optics squinting as there was then a, ‶Where's everyone else, by the way?‶ questioned, and by the looks of it, the male was a bit ... disappointed at not having found all of them in that same room. Tch ... guess he'd expected them all to be together.

But, the rabbit's response cleared up his query, being a low-toned scoff ... ‶Foxy's probably dozing somewhere, and Chic--‶ his own huff cut him off at the second name, him only shaking his head after. ‶... Chica's either still at the stage, or just staring at things in the kitchen ...‶

The bear, on hearing that, simply nodded, then just shifted from there to stand to his feet, and ... as if it was instinct, he went with lightly dusting his arms and so ...

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


... From there on, she'd only noted movement; movement when he'd pulled his arms back from having tied into hers; the disappearance of his presence from in front of her, aand, then the sound of faint thumps, those indicating his footsteps by how they'd moved away from her at first.

She'd heard a couple other sounds of shuffling and the clatter of a few unseeible objects, before the sound of his approaching again grew evident, those becoming louder with every thump that was made.

Eventually enough, the latter's presence was felt to a higher degree again, but what was strange about it was that it was at her behind. Now, due to recent events having had a mild effect on her, it forced her to become skeptical for a second, though just as she decided to open her optics, she forced herself to close them again, abruptly, just because of one reason, and that was the touch of the other over her shoulders, along with the faint brush of something else around her neck-joint. She did stiffen at it, but only until the male's, ❛It, takes a bit of effort to put on when your hands are big ...❜ sounded, allowing for her to relax and acknowledge that being nothing but her lover; someone that wouldn't be of any harm.

❛... Even if you've found a way for it, it's still a hard thing to fix in place.❜

At hearing that, there was, on a gradual note a light chuckle from the yellow female. ❛What is it anyway?❜

❛You'll see ...❜ ..

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24 ( I skipped the other chapters, yes- ) 」

... A part-harsh shriek, she skidded across the floor as a result of that force. The blows from prior kept her from properly maintaining her senses, and they even slipped from her mind, that being prolonged when her body further hit a wall --- that also aiding in stopping her from sliding any more.

She remained there, stationary for a couple moments, processing a heavy throb upon her head from the constant slams of, whatever that cold object was. It didn't come to her knowledge where the latter had gone to during this time, nor could she really try at figuring that yet.

Within an eventual moment though, her eyes opened to lock with the faint, flickering hue that fell upon the ground beside her, her voice-box releasing a groan afterward as she lifted her hand to set atop her head.

It seemed that movement was all that was required for that creature's snarl to sound again, the one thing that resulted in her pausing. She hadn't the strength, so she couldn't react any other way besides casting a petrified stare to the monstrous form of the bear; his whole frame as icy blue as his eyes would always be in his normal state.

All abruptly, the latter went with charging at her at full speed, and since she couldn't shift in time due to both the headache having prevailed, and all much more, she could only flinch in reaction, with a loud, terrified screech being the next to follow as her hands went in front of her face ...

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Random Scenarios from the darkest parts of my head { 2021 - 2022 }Where stories live. Discover now