{ 10 - Not all that glitters, is gold }

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Blood Warning

I don't make things too graphic, as I'm still working on writing blood/gore scenes and all, plus this is like, the child's perspective in a way, so all he'd see and feel would be described and all.

It's also short, since my brain was haLf-alivE while writing this-

Idk whether to be proud of this, or not .-.


... And, there was the impalement ...

A break of trust ...

... Of someone you believed wouldn't harm you at any cost ... someone who was your friend ...

Should've listened to your parents, huh?

Not all that glitters is gold, they always say ...

Not every golden bunny is to be followed ...

... Utmost shock glistened in his eyes, as he scanned the face of the golden rabbit that'd just plunged something sharp, into his delicate little stomach, the blow from it being so searing, so unexpected. It was clear he couldn't even process the "big bunny's" action first, to even fully acknowledge the pain that seemed to have blasted itself inside his small little body after ... that .  .  .

And when it was yanked out from there ...

A crimson shaded object, was slowly swung in the air, shown to him as if it were something pulled out of a hat during a magic show. This was also magic, right? A dream, instilled into his mind, possibly, just to scare him ...

Make him a brave man ...

Oh ... If only that were the case ...

He was unable to comprehend that though. His mind, it was zooming, trying to understand why ... What mistake could a child have made, to deserve to be stabbed in his guts the way he had been, but every time, his focus would slip to that jarring feeling, seeming as if each and every lobe of his brain, every single of his body parts, all had submitted to only that ...

He attempted to find the smallest of sympathy in that golden-furred mascot, an arm that could take away that sense, that pain, through eyes that could hardly remain open due to the throb glazing them over.

Just, like a kid would ...

But, searching for parental care in someone who just impaled you ... It doesn't work that way, kid.

The heaviness, the grogginess from a deep wound as that, caused him to stagger a step once the rabbit backed up. His hands abruptly reached to clench his stomach, prevent it from losing more than he had already. However, that didn't stop the blood from oozing out, stain his clothes and his hands with a crimson liquid that belonged to his own body.

How much of it could a kid lose?

When a disgusting, metallic flavor began to fill his mouth, that's ... that's when he could feel himself too heavy for his own legs to carry ...

Oh, that poor boy ...

He was just about to collapse, when his remaining nerves allowed for him to feel that sharp object on his neck ...

"Let me ease it up for you ..."

And, the next he knew, it sliced through ...


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