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Let's just title it, "How Bonnie lost his face 2.0"

Sound better?

Well, when you'll read this, it will — even if the last three paragraphs only explain tHat-

It's a ... rewrite, of a chapter, of another book. The writer's not active around, but ... well, their book exists, and I'd thought why not use a part of their chapter as a prompt, to write something.

Of course, the rights to the idea and chapter go to them, I'm not claiming those, but ... this writing belongs to me, sooo-

Without further ado-


... ❝Oh, you know ... the usual,❞ his voice was incredibly sadistic, his half-lidded gaze examining his hand. When he'd added to himself, there was a change in the postures of the other three. ❝... How one wouldn't matter ... How it wasn't necessary to waste oneself in trying to be of some importance to someone ... anyone ...❞

❝Well, how wrong you are ...❞ That scoff sounded from the mascot in the middle; the bear, having narrowed his glare, and was really just, seconds away from making that sound more aggressed than anything. I mean, if you think about it, seeing an enemy show up out of nowhere, and that too having already attacked a fellow, it's not the nicest thing you'd want to know. ❝... She matters to me ... to all of us ...❞

Derisively, the latter snorted, only then averting his eyes to stare to the male. The pretty much permanent grin over his features seemed more menacing at the moment, and if there were a bit less of brave-er mascots facing him, I wouldn't be surprised at watching them cower away. Springtrap just, had this ... aura the typical Afton never would.

Buut, since it was the three who'd witnessed him a few times before, they were plainly alert for any attack move, with the ursine then growling a, ❝... and, if you think of doing whatever you did, again ... you—❞

❝Looks like I hit a nerve,❞ his giggle following was the most unsettling thing one would hear. Imagine, a human, alive inside a machine that practically crushed him to the point his bones were nowhere visible anymore; his vocal cords having fused with the metallic voice-box of the mascot. How would that sound when that thing would laugh?

Of course, his action elicited no good of a response, aside from it seeming as if the three would just go 'juMp-' to deprive the hybrid of his life, but ... that was just not the case ...

You see, Springtrap ended up being quicker with that, and ... while the brown male had only managed a snarl — which near-jinxed with the vulpine's — yet, he immediately lunged at him without any time given for retaliation. Heh ... one machine on the ground, the other atop it ... not a sight to show up every day.

With only a second passing, the much the ursine could really do was merely widen his glance at the latter bringing his hand down with full force, so as to tear down, only ... just before that, the rotting-rabbit's arm was yanKed back by the other rabbit in the room, and with a growl, he was pulled off of the bear.

Aand, the moment that had happened, Springtrap more of rammed into the bluish/purple animatronic, almost close to shoving him to a wall, when the other gripped around one of his ears to force him back. This resulted in a mere snapping sound sooner, the realization of wHy coming the moment the latter met the wall with an 'oof', and half of the hybrid's ear was taken along. Heh ... at least he'd tore at something, though that only enraged the half-human-half-machine, as he awaited no parrying move from Bonnie, and plainly just forced his hand between the latter's jaws, gripped his upper endo-jaw from within, and abruptly pulled his head towards himself that way, hissing a, ❝Oh, now you'll pay ...❞

The much that happened after, was this eventual, sharp shriek resonating about the entire place, coinciding with the sounds of crackling sparks, but that wasn't from Springtrap, no ... That was from Bonnie, as he abruptly stumbled back the next moment, covering the front of his head in his hands ... I mean, it's not painless to have your face go pooF by an unacknowledged axe — that just so happened to be in the other rabbit's grasp ... Guess he had vEry lArGe pockets to hide his stuFf in now — and a hand that aided in pulling at it once the action had been performed. Now, it was Springtrap holding the bluish/purple piece of suit that used to be on the rabbit's face ... Tch ...

Well, only a few seconds lasting, the rabbit then charged at him, gripping him by the ... neck, but ... well, luck was with the rotting mascot, as right the very moment, a second shriek sounded with a louder crackle, this time because the axe had been harshly thrusted into the arm stretched over to his neck, and without a second try it was just ... cuT ... sad ...


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