{ 9 - Testing shiTe with le duCk : 2 }

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˚ ༘ Withered Chica ˚ ༘
Okay, remember when I said I'd be doing the paRt 2 of that EmoTioNal torture thing the very next day to the one I'd updated that.

Yeah, I failed in remaining consistent, again-

Anywho, this is different from the last one, as it isn't exactly emotions, but her reactions to different sentences.

Yes, this is what I do when my motivation's charged too much to be termed as "beyond concerning".

Anyway ... Enjoy this ... THing-


"Oh fine, you win."

Instantly pausing, her head tilted at his words. A much less brightened flicker of the eyes indicating a part-triumphant glint … well, at least she'd gotten the latter to do something good, for once ...


"Okay, okay. I got one … so, a duCk walks into a bar, and-"

… He didn't get to continue, as a hard smack was awarded to him upon the head right at the start of that 'joke'. Yeah, the single mention of her resembling a duck would tick her off from being the polite conversationalist, to a full-on aggressed one, and the other, despite being aware of that, just loved to irk that single spark of annoyance … she stared to him in more of a gLaring manner, pretty much warning him to not say more …


"I'm leaving … I'm sorry …"

… She didn't have a response for the other, and was only staring at her with a tilted head. Their friendship wasn't the best anyway, and watching her leave; it didn't really have much of an impact on her. The words felt, empty …


"Here are the body's … remains …"

… Staring at the slender female a moment, she followed her gesture down to what the latter had termed as the 'remains' of a close fellow. It was obvious Marionette had no clue as to who she was talking about; her memory seemed to be wiped out, completely, just as the rest … But she was aware, and instantly recognized the one suitless ear within the 'hands' of the puppet …


"I love you, too …"

… Hearing so felt like the enlightening of a warmed spark within her systems, pretty much accelerated her senses there as she processed the fondness within that tone, being for herself … While the understanding of that took place, she grew unaware of the reality that her head had merely brushed to the side of the other's in that embrace, only that mild-lasting contact was knowledgeable … Whatever was visible on her end, appeared different, than it did before that moment …


"What on earth possessed you to do something so stupid!?"

… Optics staying downward, not specifically staring at the floor, however, she couldn't process a reply to that. It felt too mortifying to defend her stance at that point. I mean, fair enough … anyone would have the common sense to know, if they've done something even they count as stupid, there's no reason to defend it, or, go against it, even … Staying silent was the best option here …


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