{ 13 - Take cake to the children }

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˚ ༘₊· FNaF 2 minigames (1) ˚ ༘₊

So, like, my brain was working all of a sudden, and I decided to write ... this.

There will be more; next starring Foxy.
I'm sure you're aware of how this minigame goes. I tried my best for the whole mention of taking cake to children and all, but since this is a story, it might not be fuLly like one would expect.



… ❝What's that?❞

❝They call it, cake.❞

❝I was talking to him, but … fine.❞

❝Quit talking. They're around. Don't you know?❞

Silence ensued for a few seconds, the two deep-red eyes silently staring at the one in front, then slowly, and quietly, as to not come to his notice, the mascot had leaned to the side where the third member of the trio stood, whispering a, ❝What's he gonna do with cAke?❞

❝Would make a good decoration for your face.❞ That being muttered back, he snorted quietly and shifted back to a straight posture. Just then, his more lowered ear perked upon a few dayshift guards mumbling about in the distance. By the slow increase in volume, it seemed they were approaching the stage, so after that presumption, the male moved no more, staying in his typical position. He did hear them more clearly when they'd stood in front of the stage, talking about … testing the "free-roam" mechanic for … well, obviously them. It wasn't that they couldn't walk about before, just … not during performance hours, seeing as … they didn't want malfunctions anytime soon.

But, since the place was running low on budget, they had to bring in something new to keep the visitors entertained, and that … that was this built-in ability to walk, that they were only now permitted to use, after nearly wasting a whole year of the Establishment. Great technicians they had, back then.

❝So, the middle one first?❞

❝That's what I said ...❞

Aaand, the rest wasn't really much important info, so best not bother to focus upon that. They eventually walked off to take care of other errands before the pizzeria's opening, whilst the three mascots were again, left to themselves. Now, at that time, was when the ursine cast him an eye. ❝Now you get what the cake's for?❞

The rabbit's free-er hand shifting to rest beneath his jaw, he hummed while narrowing his gaze in thought. ❝So, that'll be used for decorating their faces?❞

The latter's baffled, ❝What?❞ was buried underneath the arising laughter of the female, but I think his expressions were enough for anyone to understand that was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard … Well, I'd say Foxy says all the stupidest tHings, so this was kind of close to the stuPidest.

Before the other male could really reply, the chicken, having somewhat contained the laughs to just mere chuckles, snorted. ❝I think all it will be doing, is sweeping the floor when it's dropped.❞

❝Yours will, when you go on free-roam, definitely …❞ with that retort, the brown animatronic simply turned his attention to the front again, while any response from her had been … well, soundless.


Ah, the magic of being able to walk around among humans, with only one smaLl trouble … This wasn't exactly "free-roam", as the latter was under control of a few button presses from not too far, which were basically restricting him from moving anywhere other than the desired place, that was a part of the Main Room itself, in between a line of … families, well … children from those families, each being offered a slice of cake the moment he'd reach them. Pretty bland, I know, but a machine really can't do anything other than follow the input, right?

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