he's alive

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Words: 2190

"Clarke, you sterilized everything. I watched you do it!" Raven exclaimed.

Clarke looked across the room at something behind me. I turned around and saw the knife, picking it up by the handle. Clarke walked over.

"Not everything," she said, grabbing it from me. "You two stay here."

I didn't listen. I followed her up the ladder to the second floor of the drop ship.

"Guys, they locked the hatch," Octavia informed us.

Clarke looked at her and kept climbing. She pounded on the hatch with her fist. "Hey! Open the door!" she yelled before pounding on it again.

The hatch opened and Clarke climbed up, but was stopped by Miller putting his arm out. "Get out of my way, Miller. Now!" she snapped.

Miller sighed and moved, letting us through. Clarke climbed out first, followed by me and Octavia last.

Clarke stormed over to the Grounder, holding the knife up to him. "What's on this?!"

Bellamy walked up behind her. "What are you talking about?" he asked confused.

"He poisoned the blade," Clarke informed him.

She turned back to the Grounder, shaking the knife in his face. "All this time, he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did! What is it?! Is there an antidote?"

"Clarke, he doesn't understand you," Octavia tried to tell her.

"Vials. It's gotta be here," Bellamy said, walking over to the pile of the Grounders things.

Clarke and I walked over and she threw the knife on the ground by our feet.

"You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long and not have an antidote," Clarke mumbled to herself before picking them up and squatting at the Grounder's feet. "Which one?"

"Answer the question!" Bellamy snapped.

"Show us which one, please. My brother is dying down there and you can stop that if you help us. Please," I begged through tear-filled eyes.

Bellamy started to walk towards the Grounder. "I'll get him to talk," he threatened.

Octavia grabbed onto his arms to stop him. Bellamy wrestled out of our grip and turned around to face her. "He wants Finn to die! Why can't you see that?!"

Bellamy turned to Clarke and I. "Do you want Finn to live or not?"

The two of us paused in thought, so Octavia walked over to us. "Clarke, you even said it yourself. This is not who we are. He was protecting me, he saved my life!" Octavia yelled, pointing at the Grounder. "Stella, please."

"We're talking about Finn's life!" Bellamy yelled back at his sister before he glanced to us.

I looked at Octavia with regret. "I'm sorry, O. I can't let my brother die."

"Do it," Clarke told Bellamy with a nod.

"No!" Octavia pleaded as she looked to the Grounder. "Just tell us!"

Bellamy walked over and cut a piece of an old seatbelt off of a seat and threw it over his shoulder. He walked over to the Grounder and cut the man's shirt off with his knife.

"You're going to show us the antidote or you're going to wish you had," Bellamy threatened him.

Clarke started pacing as Bellamy finished pulling the fabric away from the man and threw it to the floor. Clarke stopped in the corner and Bellamy looked to her for approval. Clarke gave a slight nod.

You and Me, Forever | Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now