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Quick little note ::
You and Matt start off as friends in this one !!
Also this takes place in Boston,
love you all, thanks for reading <3


Time - Night

Today you were going out with the triplets to film a car video, you and the boys had been friends since the age of 5, when you moved in next door, you had been inseparable ever since so when they started a YouTube channel, you were their first guest on it and luckily, the fans loved you.

"So what are we filming?" You asked from the back as Matt drove into the usual filming parking lot, reaching for your fries that you had gotten from the stop at McDonald's.
At first, you didn't get a reply, they all just started laughing and you turned to Nick in the seat next to you.
       "Nothing" he giggled, you didn't like how strange they were acting about the whole thing, they never kept anything from you, not even small, silly things like this.

Small time skip

"Ok, so now can you tell me?" You said impatiently as Nick set up the camera.
"Wait until it's recording" Chris replies.     "Right" Nick starts as he climbs into the car, "we're remaking a fan favourite topic with y/n this time" you looked around, still waiting for an answer, laughing nervously,
"Fan fiction!" They all said as you laughed.
   "Ok why didn't you tell me earlier? I love these I've seen your videos"
"Because, these ones are about you" Matt says looking at you in the back, as your face drops.
"Nope absolutely not." You pulled a disgusted face and everyone (except you) started laughing, Matt the loudest.

"Kid you should calm down," Chris says looking at Matt still laughing, "you're in most of these" and Matt's face drops the same way yours had.
"What." He says bluntly as he takes the phone from Nick, who had the app up on his phone.
He scrolls down for a bit and then gives Nick the phone back, and as he turned, you noticed his face was slightly pink, but you just shrugged it off, it was pretty warm in the car anyways cos they couldn't use the AC whilst recording.
"Right, let's start" Nick says with an amused expression as you and Matt groan in refusal.

You managed to listen to it for about 10 minutes until you got to the part where Matt confesses his love for you to Nick whilst you were conveniently stood outside and you started laughing.
"Why, how convenient #rightplace,righttime" Matt says, holding up a peace sign, giggling to himself.
"Oh shut up, you're not funny" you tease him and he turns to you with a jokingly shocked expression on his face. "Mhm" he says unconvinced, you continue to look at each other and you took in his admirable features, you always had a small crush on Matt but you had just learned to push your feelings to the side as a silly little crush wasn't worth ruining three friendships.

"Hello?" Chris asks, laughing as he waves his hand between you two. You looked into the rearview mirror and saw that now your face was pink, matching shades as Matt.

"No wonder people write fan fiction about them" Nick joked and him and Chris folded over in laughter. "Nick, cut it out!" Matt says, emphasising the "out" as he hit the boy when he spoke.
"Jeez, sorry, did we nearly expose you?" Chris laughs and then looks up in shock at what he had just said.
Matt's face went an even deeper shade of red as he left the car, the expression on his face unreadable.

"Oh." Was all you said, and after 30 unbearable seconds of tense silence, you got up to go after Matt, finding him quickly, sat at a nearby bench, looking at the floor, deep in thought.
"Hey," You said softly as you approached him, playing with your rings anxiously, "you ok?" You took a seat next to him, careful not to sit too close as he's probably feeling overwhelmed at the minute.
"Mhm" he replied, biting his nails
"Look, I'm sorry about Chris and Nick but they were only joking I'm sure they didn't mean to upset you."
He looked up at you and cleared his throat, "but" he stopped, thinking of how to word his next sentences "they weren't joking, they're right." You looked up at him, taken aback

"Listen," he said, more confidently this time as he turned to face you and sat slightly closer, "I like you, y/n, a lot, and I always have I thought it was obvious to be honest, we're extremely close to be 'just friends' don't you think? Like all of the deep conversations and you borrowing my clothes and always staying in my room when you sleep over, you rest your shoulder on me when we sit next to each other, we-"

You cut him off by moving closer to connect your lips with his, he was shocked at first, but then he settled into it, and it was sweet,passionate and had a near magical feeling to it, like nothing you had ever experienced before, as you continued with the kiss, his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in closer, all of your thoughts were consumed by him, Matthew Bernard Sturniolo was the only thing you could bear to think about and you cherished every second of it.

By the time you had both pulled away, your cheeks were tinted in that familiar rosy colour that had appeared many times whilst you had been out.
"I feel the same" you breathed as he looked away in embarrassment as he realised what he had said to you before you kissed him.
"What?" He looked at you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"I always thought that I was just an idiot hopelessly in love with my best friend." You confessed awkwardly, worried about how corny you sounded right now, "sorry" you laughed.
"Y/n" he laughed with you, and all of the tension that was still remaining in the cold air of the street had cleared, "why are you sorry?" You just shrugged as you smiled at him which led to Matt pulling you back in for a kiss that lasted longer and by then you just knew how lucky you were.

Author's note ::

I can't decide if I love or hate this but I hope you enjoy and please give me requests in the comments for what I should write next (my comments are so dead say anything 😭) anyways byeee I love you all <3

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