𝓣𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼

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Author's Note ::

This one is a request, you and Matt are dating in this one!
Also I know I say this every part pretty much, but this might be a bit shorter than usual but I hope you enjoy!

As you grab the snacks from the fridge a pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into them warmly.
"Hurry up" Matt whined before resting his head on your shoulder.
"Ok, one second" you chuckled at him, "it'd help if you got off of me" you joked, knowing you didn't want him to, if anything you wanted to be held tighter.

It seemed that today you were both just in the mood to be together, alone, but you had already agreed to a movie night with his brothers, who were now coming down into the living room.
You yawned as you moved around the kitchen, which Matt noticed, "go sit down, I'll bring these in love" he kissed the top of your head before gesturing to the door.

Nearly launching yourself on the couch, you got comfy in your favourite spot.
You loved the corner of the couch and it was basically your seat seeing as you never sat anywhere else.
You nearly cried when Chris walked into the room, finding comfort sat next to you and so did Nick.

Now you were completely blocked off from Matt.
Like already mentioned, it was one of those days where you wanted to be in each other's presence and that was taken away from you even more.
You would've moved but there was no space next to the empty one for Matt.

He walked in smiling, his face dropping when he saw the arrangement of the couch.
"What?" Nick asked after seeing the boy's expression.
"I was going to sit with y/n" Matt replied in a way where you couldn't explain the tone in his voice.
"Haha" Chris teased him and even though you knew they were just messing, you couldn't help but feel bad for Matt.

You both wanted each other and Nick and Chris had sort of annoyed you by getting in the way. 
"Bro, where's my Pepsi?" Chris groaned.
"There wasn't any left"
"Oh my god, no Dr Pepper either?" Nick said in the same tone.

Matt shook his head.
"Come to the store with me" Nick looked at Chris, which was met with a nod before the two got up to put their shoes on.
"We'll be back in ten minutes" Chris yelled from the door.

You and Matt briefly looked at each other before you jumped up, sitting in his arms.
After laying with him for about five minutes, you started feeling your eyes getting heavier and you were struggling to keep them open.
"Matt" you quietly spoke, "I'm gonna fall asleep".

He quickly moved his arms so he was holding you in a more secure position, before lifting his legs and carrying you to the room you shared, lying down with you in  bed.

As your legs were tangled together and your head was resting in his chest, his fingers moving back and forth in your hair, you found yourself falling into a peaceful sleep.

Soon, Nick and Chris returned to find the living room empty.
"Guys?" They yelled.
After a couple more attempts of shouting to you, they started looking around, finding you and Matt cuddled up together, fast asleep like babies.

Even though they thought seeing you two hug and kiss was "gross" they found the sight in front of them sweet, shortly leaving after closing the curtains for you.

Author's Note ::

Guys should I do another Instagram part? Or would we rather just have normal stories because I want to do both but there's no point if you guys don't like them.
I hope you enjoyed this part and please give requests in the comments!
Have a nice day/night, I love you all byee <3

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now