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Author's Note ::

Heyy guys !!
This is a request and you and Matt are dating in this one, enjoy!

Anxiously, you led your shopping cart down the aisle, feeling watched.
You had felt uneasy for weeks now as you kept on seeing the same girl, constantly nearby and looking at you, she was everywhere.
Almost as if you had summoned her, you spotted the girl a few aisles away, looking over at you with that familiar smile that made you feel sick.

To anybody else, she looked like a normal girl around your age, but to you, she was a nightmare.
As the sightings of her became more frequent you began getting scared every night, crying because you felt unsafe, praying you wouldn't wake up one day to find her looming over you.
However, despite the fear that this girl struck, you hadn't told anybody about it, you felt stupid.

Subconsciously, you picked up your pace, rapidly getting your shopping done so you could get back to the safety of your car.

Looking behind you as you walked out of the store, you sighed in relief with her no longer being in sight.
Unfortunately, that didn't last long as you turned to see her at the ATM, not too far away from where you were.
If you didn't have three bags of shopping with you you'd have ran to the car by now but you had to deal with what you had and speed walk while she had her back turned to you.

Luckily, your car wasn't that far away in the parking lot so it only took you a minute or so, but that was filled with your heat thumping in your chest and panicky breathing as you looked behind you, making sure she wasn't there. 

After what seemed like years, you climbed into the car, making sure it was locked before you reached down to your phone.
Your brain didn't even process what you were doing as you pressed onto the contact.

"Heyy sweetheart" Matt's voice flowed through the receiver on the phone, his tone happy.
For a couple seconds there was a silence until he heard your unsteady breathing, " y/n, give it a minute, take nice deep breaths and stay calm my love, ok?"
In reply you gave him a small "mhm" as you shut your eyes and did as he said and always, he had managed to help you a little bit.

"Right, what's wrong?" You could hear the sympathy in his voice even through the crackly speaker.
"Um.. it's really dumb but I think I'm being followed." He tried to say something but couldn't even get a word in as you began to rant, "it's this girl, I've been seeing her every where and she's always looking at me and it really scares me" a small tear escaped from your eye as you explained.

"You should've told me, but that's beside the point, come to mine now, are you okay?"
After a small sniffle you replied, "yeah I'm just really scared but it's better now- AHHH"
"Y/n? Y/n, what's wrong?" His voice was filled with concern but you didn't even have time to think of that as you watched the girl sitting in the car next to you, staring with that unsettling smile.

"She's... right next to me. Like- like her car is parked right next to mine." Your breathing began to pick up its pace again.
Matt cleared his throat, "right I'm gonna need you to listen to me very carefully, okay?" You mumbled to let him now you were listening before he continued.

"Right, so calm down as much as you can and start driving the second she looks away. Take all of the shortcuts that you know and if she's still behind you, call the police while you drive to mine, okay?" He instructed.
Your reply was in a near whisper as you struggled to speak, "okay, I can do this" you reassured yourself before starting the car, ready to leave at the perfect time like Matt directed.
"Stay on call with me" you begged, "please".
"Of course I'm going to stay on call with you love, I'd never leave you in a situation like this".

Soon, you had gained your opportunity and set off, looking very couple minutes into your rear view mirror to find the girl still behind you, a determined look on her face.
"Matt" you said, "she's not leaving"
"I don't know what to do" he stated sadly before he got an idea, "take as many turns and go on as many junctions as possible, maybe a car could get in between you two?"

Listening to his advice you did exactly that, managing to find four junctions nearby and got some cars behind you, blocking your vision of her car so she probably couldn't see yours.
Just to be safe you took a longer route to Matt's, happy when you reversed into his driveway.

You practically sprinted out of the car and jumped into Matt's arms, who was waiting for you at the door, "I'm so sorry that happened my love"
"It's ok, thank you so much I couldn't have gotten out of that without you" you smiled before pressing kisses all over his face.
"Ew gross" he playfully squealed which you gasped at.
"you're gonna regret that" you laughed before tackling him to the ground, kissing him everywhere.

"And you're gonna regret that" he flipped you both over so he was now on top of you, pinning you to the floor.
You looked at him confused before letting out a scream when you felt him tickling your sides, "please stop" you said between giggles, trying to get his hands away from you.
"You win" as you put your hands up in defeat, he finally let go, still staying in the same position as he smiled down at you, "you're so pretty" he quickly swooped down before you could say anything, kissing your lips gentle and passionately.

"I'm so glad you're ok" he broke the kiss for a small second before quickly returning, unbothered when he heard the door open.
"Ew" Chris yelled and kicked Matt's butt, making him fall onto you whilst you practically choked on your laughs.

Author's Note ::

That was so long and I feel like it was terrible but I hope you enjoyed.
Leave any requests in the comments, I have loads to do rn but I can never get enough, thank you guys !!
Have a nice day/night, I love you all byeee <3

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