𝓡 𝓤 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓮?

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Author's Note ::
Arctic monkeys inspired of course, thanks for 3.31k reads, I hope you enjoy <3

This had went on for too long. You and Matt were best friends, but behind closed doors, you were so much more, but it wasn't even official, you both liked each other but neither of you ever shared your feelings so you were stuck in this endless loop with one another.

It's not really like it was a 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 secret, people saw you flirting all the time, but they didn't know that you had done things with him.

Today, you had finally had enough, 6 months of stolen kisses and secret meet-ups, you wanted the real thing because as stupid as it was, you were beginning to fall in love with him.
You knew he must've felt the same way 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙝𝙤𝙬 because the whole time you were in this relationship-like stage, he hadn't had a girlfriend, and he had been given 𝙢𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙡𝙚 opportunities, so that's why you grabbed your favourite dress you owned for Larray's party that you, the triplets, and some other friends were going to tonight.

You were just finishing your eyeliner when your phone buzzed next to you.


Matt 💥

Hey, you nearly
ready? We're just setting
off now x


Yeah, just need to finish my
makeup rq, cya soon x

Matt 💥

I'll be ten, bye gorgeous x
(You liked a message ❤️)

(Real life)

You looked down at your screen, slightly smiling, he hadn't even seen you yet and was already complimenting you.

You finished your makeup, slid into your dress and applied any finishing touches, finally satisfied with how you looked, you went downstairs and waited for them to arrive.

You heard their car pull into your driveway and you gathered your things and left, climbing into the seat in the back, next to Nick.

"Hey guys" you said, excitedly.
"Hi y/n"  "Hey" they replied.
"Oh my god you look absolutely beautiful." As Nick said this, Matt's head shot to your direction.
"Thanks, you too, I love that shirt" you continued the conversation as if you didn't notice Matt's reaction, which had made him go slightly pink in the cheeks.

When you got to the party, you stayed with Nick for a while as Matt and Chris always managed to find some people they knew that you two didn't, from hockey or lacrosse you think.

Soon, you had lost Nick after telling him that you were going to get some fresh air, and after you did, you didn't know where to find him.

You saw Matt talking to a group of people and was about to go over to them, but suddenly, a massive crowd walked in between you and his group and you had lost him, whatever, you went to go get a drink.

As you were pouring your drink, you heard footsteps behind you, only slightly above the crowd.
"Hey beautiful" Matt said, with a low voice, he continued to come closer and made it look like he was giving you a short hug but he was actually peppering small, desperate kisses to your neck.
"You look stunning, I can't concentrate"
You smirked, glad that things were working,
"That's too bad" you said as you walked away, seeing as you had spotted Nick.

The night continued steadily, talking to your friends, getting drinks, doing the littlest bit of dancing, and from time to time you felt Matt looking at you from across the room.
You didn't even bat an eye at him.

Well that was until Chris made you help search for him because he wanted to know what time you were all going home.

You quickly found him, talking to another random group that quickly left when they saw you and Chris appear.

The whole time Chris was asking the boy questions he did nothing but steal looks at you and not fully pay attention,
"Yeah, yeah whenever you want is fine" Matt said, trying to focus on what his brother was saying.

"One second, I'm gonna go.. talk to Larray, I've barely seen him all night " you made an excuse to leave as you felt awkward stood in that conversation.

"Hi, sorry we left so soon" a voice said as you were walking through the crowd, you turned around to see one of the boys Matt had been talking to and he noticed the slightly confused expression on your face.
"I was over there talking with that Matt guy earlier" you nodded, the boy kept on trying to make conversation with you which you were politely answering to but you really wanted to get out of there.

He was being too nice and you were feeling really uncomfortable.
"So, could I get your number?" You were taken aback by how forward he was being.
"I'm sorry but I don't even know your name." You replied, trying to use any excuse, "I'm Dan, how about you?" He looked at you with a determined smile that made your stomach churn.

"Shes my girlfriend, Dan" you felt a wave of relief when Matt came up behind you, securely locking his arms around your waist, he kissed your cheek,
"come on, babe let's go find Nick and Chris"
"Ok, babe" you laughed at him as you walked away together, and as soon as Dan was out of earshot, you turned to Matt,

"Well, I wanted to get that creep away from you" He smirked.
"Why, would you want to be my girlfriend, y/n?" He smirked at you, seeing your cheeks gain a soft pink colour to them,
"I'm all yours, are you mine?"
You answered his questions by wrapping your arms around his neck, locking your fingers into the soft curls of his hair on the back of his neck, and kissing him. His hands were immediately around your waist, pulling you closer as you both enjoyed your first public kiss like it was the first ever one you two had shared.

"It's about time" you both laughed, faces still close to each other.
"Oh shut up" he said, kissing you again, this time you both were smiling against it.

Author's Note ::

Guys could you do me a favour and comment your favourite part so I know what to make more like, it would really help.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed (I hate this but we move) I hope you have the best day/night, byeee I love you all 🤍

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now