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Author's Note ::

As the title says, this one involves y/n being on her period, if this content would make you feel uncomfortable please skip this part, but if not you and Matt are dating in this one and enjoy x

Looking up at the TV from being tucked away in one of Matt's blankets, you started to feel the pain in your stomach heighten as you started experience cramps.

You thought nothing of it as you had eaten at a questionable burger place with Matt earlier, you wouldn't be surprised if you were sick from it.

Suddenly, Matt walks into the room with his pyjamas on, rubbing his wet hair with a towel.
"The bathroom's free, love" he said as he walked around the room, receiving a fresh towel from the drawer and placing it in your hands,
"there you go" he smiled down at you, giving you a gentle, soft kiss.
"Thanks" you smiled back at him for a second and then you felt reluctant towards going to do your night time routine.

You wanted Matt.
All of a sudden you felt really clingy and you wanted him to hold you tight.
With a light groan, you got up from the bed, your eyes widening when you saw a red patch sat where you just were.

What were you going to do? You just bled on your boyfriend's bed.
You sat back down, trying to act nonchalant.
"Are you ok?" Matt looked back at you as he folded up the towel he had just used.

"Yeah" instantly you could tell he could see through the smile as he walked over to you.
"What's wrong?" His arms found his way around your body as he held you close.

You rested your head on his shoulder, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"I'm really sorry" you stated in a near whisper.
"What is it?" He now looked more concerned then ever but his face relaxed when he saw the mess as you stood up, awkwardly.

"It's ok sweetheart, don't worry, go clean yourself up in the bathroom and I'll sort out the bed." He rubbed your back softly as he hugged you again.
Giving you a small kiss he spoke, "you can borrow my clothes" and that statement had you smiling, which you couldn't help.

"Tell me if you need anything" he said louder so you could hear him as you walked into the other room.

"Ok thanks" you yelled back.

After you had gotten changed and equipped with your sanitary products, you opened the door, stepping out in Matt's sweatpants and your favourite hoodie of his.

Your heart melted as your eyes met Matt flicking through Netflix, looking for your favourite thing to watch, as he sat on the clean sheets with your favourite snacks next to him, something sweet and then something salty, because he knew how your cravings could be.

"Matt... oh my gosh" you walked over to the bed, a small blush creeping onto your face.
"What?" He asked, looking at you amused.
"Nothing it's just tha-" you were interrupted by the sound of the microwave.

"Oh wait" Matt said, climbing off the bed, "one second".
Meanwhile, you got comfy in bed and opened your snacks.

After a minute or two, your boyfriend walks back in with your hot water bottle.
"Here you go, careful though I don't want you to burn yourself again" he lightly chuckled as he passed you it.

"Do you need anything else love?" He asked as he sat down next to you, rubbing his hand on your leg from over the blanket.

"Hold me?" You requested.
As cringy as it was, when you experienced period pains, all you wanted was to be held by Matt.
He pulled you closer gently, wrapping his arms around your torso.

"Is the pressure ok? Do you want me to loosen my grip a bit?" You just looked into his eyes.
The way he held you was perfect.
The way he treated you you was perfect.
He was perfect.

But obviously you were too shy to tell him that so you just replied with a "it's fine thanks" and faced him again so you could lean into a kiss, which he quickly reciprocated.

"What would I do without my little Matty maid to look after me?" You grinned as you booped his nose jokingly.
"Excuse me?" He asked in a shocked expression.
"Nothing, I love you" you smiled at him innocently before connecting your lips again.

Author's Note ::

Idk what I think to this but my cramps are currently so bad I can hardly see straight so yeah but anywaysss I hope you enjoyed, leave any requests in the comments please!!

Have a nice day/night and I love you all byee <3

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