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Author's Note ::
You and Matt are dating in this one, but the fans don't know !!
Request by :: @Sleepy_Stan
I hope you all enjoy byeeee <3

"Right guys" Chris said, running around the table, to be in frame after just setting up the camera, "the final video to our challenge series is going to be a tiebreaker, because we all managed to get the same points somehow"
Nick rolled his eyes.
"Yeah because you and Matt cheated" you laughed at the boy's remark.

In one of the videos, you all had to try score a goal on a soccer pitch from the halfway line but Nick was convinced that his brothers had done it closer because he had went for a short bathroom break, feeling victorious as he was in the lead however, he had came back to Matt and Chris's points up by three each.

There was no way to tell if they were cheating or not as the camera had fully cut and you had walked away slightly to take a phone call, not paying attention.

Matt scoffed, picking up from where Chris had left off, "so yeah, now we're doing a truth or dare and whoever backs out of the least wins".

"Obviously nothing too crazy, like illegal or anything" Nick added.

You all sat down and you started laughing at how serious everything around you was, everyone too, the boys all giving each other dirty looks whilst you just sat back and watched their actions.

After about ten minutes had gone by and you had all only backed out once, the only time you had by showing your camera roll.
You didn't have anything massive to hide, just the secret relationship that 6 million people were completely unaware of.

"Matt, truth or dare?" Chris looked at the boy mischievously, you could tell he had something up his sleeve.

"Uh... dare"
At Matt's answer, Chris's face was overtaken by a grin as he nodded to the camera, "I dare you..." he was trying to be all dramatic and it was really corny and Nick was laughing at the boy's act.

"Hey Chris, I dare you to finish your sentence" you teased.
"Well! I would if I didn't have you interrupting me! Anyways... I dare you to tell the fans your little secret" he leaned forward, face resting in his hands, giving Matt a menacing, sweet smile.

Your boyfriend looked at you, as if asking for help, what to do, you just shrugged.
It was Matt's idea in the first place to not tell them, not because he was ashamed of you or anything but he wanted to protect you from the hate of the fanbase but you constantly tried to reassure him that it would be ok and that you didn't care.

He looked back at you and smiled softly, tilting his head slightly, "it's time" he said quietly as you nodded.

"Right then" Matt readjusted in his seat, clearing his throat, "so, me and y/n are boyfriend and girlfriend and we have for... 7 months, I think"
You couldn't even dissect the tone in his voice, he sounded nervous but confident and happy at the same time.
In fact, it felt like you could see the weight lift off of his shoulders as he sat straighter and then gestured to you to sit with him.
His arm wrapped around your shoulder and his thumb slowly brushed your arm.

"The only reason I didn't tell you all sooner is because I didn't want y/n to get hate" he looked at you lovingly for a second before Nick interrupted.

"Yeah but he'd tell them so he could win a game" and him and Chris folded over in laughter as you tried to fight back yours.

After that, you continued with the video, Matt's hand on your leg the entire time, out of frame, just in case.

You and Matt walked into your bedroom together, "I still can't believe I just outed our relationship into the world and I still didn't win" he complained, half jokingly, but you could tell a part of him was serious as he flopped onto the bed.

"Oh be quiet, be happy for me" you gave him a mockingly sweet smile when he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at you.

"Hey don't be so sarcastic with me" Matt said as he pulled you closer to him by your waist.
Your hands instantly went around his shoulders, fingers dancing in his hair.
He hummed softly as your lips grazed over each other's slightly, then patting his lap, which you lowered yourself onto in return.

"Jesus, you're so pretty" he complimented, his face in the crook of your neck, littering the rest of it with unbearably long, slow kisses.

After a while, he stood up, you still attached to him as you both laid down together in bed, watching your guys' favourite movie.

"Hey, Matt?"
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"I'm really glad you told them" once you said that, you both smiled at each other, "me too" he said as he pulled you onto his chest, twirling his fingers in your hair.

Author's Note ::

I've wrote two parts in one day
(I wrote this at 3 AM 😭) so I might post this now or later idk but I hope you enjoyed, as always requests in the comments please, have the best day/ night, I love you alll byeeeee <3

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