𝓑𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓤𝓹

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Author's Note ::

You start off as friends in this one !!
Enjoy 💥

As you cupped your mouth with your hand, you started silently letting tears slip from your stinging eyes as you looked through the door.

You had just been let into your boyfriend's house by his mom and you walked upstairs to see him with another girl.

How could Josh do this to you?
Why did he do this to you?
You couldn't even concentrate on your thoughts as you watched them through the door, seeing them begin to make out.

Fuck this.

You walked in and slammed the text book that you had came to return on his desk.

"Y/N!" Josh gasped as the girl practically leapt off of him, grabbing her bag and making a swift exit.

"You're disgusting" you looked at him, furious.
"I couldn't help it!" He began, stuttering to find an excuse.
"You're always with that Matt guy but it's not okay for me to have friends that are girls?"

You rolled your eyes at him, "me and Matt are best friends, that girl was sat on your lap kissing you."

"So what? You two would be doing the same if he actually liked you, nobody likes you, you stupid fuck. That's why I was with that girl, she's everything you're not."
You didn't even hesitate before slapping him, hard, across the face.
"You're pathetic you man child." You walked off, feeling satisfied with yourself as you climbed into your car, which was down the street.

As soon as the door was shut, you broke down.
You didn't even care about the Josh thing but his words still hurt you.

Your fingers shook as you tapped onto Matt's contact.

"Hey, I'm kinda busy right now what's up?" He asked as you could hear movement on his side of the phone.

"It's nothing I wanted to talk to you but just let me know when you're free." Unluckily, your voice cracked as you spoke due to your dry throat.

"What's wrong?" There was a second of silence before he spoke again.
"Guys can we finish this later? I need to help y/n with something"

One thing about Matt was that he would drop everything to help you, which is one of the many things you loved about him.

"I'll be at your house soon ok?"
"Ok bye" you cleared your throat, voice croaking.

You quickly got to your house before Matt did, changed into your sweats and dove into your bed, playing music loudly through your headphones.

Until you heard the door open.

"Oh god" Matt said as he looked down at you sympathetically.
"Thanks" you replied sarcastically.

"No, I didn't mean it like that, are you ok?" He laid down with you on your bed as you told him about what had happened.

He held you close and stroked your hair as you cried onto his shoulder.

"If it makes you feel any better, Josh is a stupid dick"
You laughed as you wiped your tear stained cheeks.
"And a dumb one too cos he was wrong." Your head shot up to find Matt looking right at you, which made you feel a bit flustered.

"What do you mean?" You asked, half playing dumb, half playing it safe.
"I love you so I don't know why he'd say nobody likes you."
You looked at him.
"You love me?" Your face broke out into a grin as you noticed that he hadn't noticed what he had said to you.

"I love you more" you pulled him in for a kiss.
It felt so pure and sweet.
Delicate almost.
Whatever it was, it was magical.


Liked by christophersturniolo and 32,784 othersmatthew

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Liked by christophersturniolo and 32,784 others
matthew.sturniolo bro fumbled ☝️🤓

View all 3089 comments

y/n 🤍
matthew.sturniolo 🤍

Josh..spam gross
y/n lil bro's stalking 💀🙏
matthew.sturniolo fan behaviour 😱😘

nicolassturniolo why my girlfriend.
matthew.sturniolo we can share 😁
y/n I'm Nick's go cry in a corner ‼️

Author's Note ::

Guysss I loved the Instagram bit so I might do that more but lmk what you think? Also any requests in the comments please !!
Have a nice day/ night, I love you all byeee <3

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