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Author's Note ::

Heyy guys this one's from a request and I'd just like to say thank you for all of the requests I got from yesterday's part, but I'm always looking for more so if you have one lmk!
Anywayssss, you guys are dating in this one, enjoy <3


"One minute" you laughed, looking at the boy who was stood in the doorframe.
"No, hurry up" Matt whined as he started putting things in your purse for you.
"Ok" You rushed to put the lipgloss which you had just applied into your bag before being thrown over your boyfriend's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Matt put me down." You begged, trying not to smile.
"Noooo, I'm good thanks" He grinned at you, your face close to his as you were on his shoulder.

"Matthew Bernard Sturniolo put me down this instant." Speaking with a firm tone, which resulted in him placing you down immediately.
"Yes ma'am" he looked down at the ground and fake frowned.

Today you two were going shopping at the mall and Matt was eager to get there before his favourite stores got too busy.

He walked over to your car door and opened it, holding a hand out and "assisting" you into the vehicle.

When Matt walked around to his side you giggled, "what was that for?" You asked him.
"You're my passenger princess what did you expect?" You looked at eachother with amused faces.
Matt could always bring out your genuine smile.

As you snapped out of your daze, you rolled your eyes, "you're so corny" you teased.
"You love it" he argued.
While you drove to the mall, you kept on making fun of Matt, finding him an easy target when you were bored.

"Y/n?" He slightly squeezed your hand which he was holding as he spoke to get your attention, "yeah?"
"Can we go to my favourite store first?" He looked at you as he gestured over to it.
"Of course" you smiled as he led the way through the crowd enthusiastically.

Whilst he shopped in that store, you just sat around as it was only a shop for men.
After what felt like a lifetime, he started walking to the register.
"What time is it?" He couldn't look right now because of the items of clothing in his hands.

"Uhhh" you pulled your phone out of your bag, "Half past 2"
"Shit, I'm sorry" you gave him a look which had a slightly confused expression.
"We've been in here for nearly 40 minutes I feel bad"
You smiled at him sympathetically, seeing how upset the boy was getting with himself, "No it's ok don't worry" you gave him a quick hug, joint with a kiss on the cheek before you shuffled further on in the line.

"I'm gonna make it up to you" he promised.
Oh god.
Those words were never good, especially when you didn't know what he meant.
Matt was too nice when it came to you, he'd never say no to anything you ask of him.

Soon, you were walking around a shop that you like, many things in your hands.
You felt relieved when you placed your things in front of the cashier, your arms free.

"So that's... $ 45.90" as you pulled out your card, you saw an arm go in front of you out the corner of your eye, looking up to see Matt paying.

You both thanked the cashier as you walked out of the shop.
"Matt! You didn't need to do that"
"I know" he replied calmly.
"I told you I'd make it up to you" he smiled down at you.
"Here, let me hold those" he took the shopping bags out of your hands and carried them the rest of the way, disallowing you to pay everywhere else you went that day.

Author's Note ::

Help I'm sorry this one's horrendous.

But anywayssss, like I said requests in the comments please!!
Have a nice day/night I love you all byeee <3

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now