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Author's Note ::

You're dating in this one !! Enjoy <3

You were at home, which you shared with the triplets, preparing your guys' favourite dinner, pasta.

They were currently out filming a car video but were now on their way back and you were excited to see them.

Especially Matt.

You hadn't seen the boys since this morning, which was very brief, you had breakfast and was straight out of the door sadly, but at least you were pursuing your dream career.

A smile reached your face when you heard the car doors slam from the garage.
Sadly, you couldn't go over to greet them as you couldn't leave the food unattended.

You happily accepted the warm hug from behind, which you leaned into, relaxing for a minute.
"Hey" Matt leaned down and kissed your forehead as you looked at each other sweetly.

"Hi, how's your day been?" You replied.

You kept on chatting for a bit as you cooked, him even helping you out with dinner.
He was being extra sweet today, you didn't think much of it, he probably just missed you too or is tired, and it's not like you minded him being sweet.
Who would?

Nick walked into the kitchen, "hi y/n, are we eating at the kitchen table, smells good by the way" he took a hungry peek at the meal, "yeah probably cos I have some garlic bread I was gonna put in the middle and cheese and stuff so it'd be easier to"
He nodded, smiling appreciatively,
"ok me and Chris will set the table then"

You plated up the food, which everyone responded happily to, shoving their faces in it. 
You noticed something kind of weird.
Chris was being quiet.

Of course everyone has their moments, but for Chris it was really rare, you began to worry as the only thing he had said all dinner was "thanks".

"Babe, what's up with Chris?" You whispered to Matt.
"I don't want to talk about it" he mumbled, but then looking up at you, placing his hand on your thigh, "sorry, I will later" he gave you a small smile as you rubbed the arm that was near your leg, "no it's fine don't apologise and ok, you're alright though?
"Yeah don't worry" he gave you a small kiss on the cheek, "ugh gross" Nick shook his head, unaware of the conversation you just had.

As soon as you were done eating, Matt started trying to grab your hands to lead you to your guys' room.
"One second" you laughed, "I need to wash the dishes"
"Nick'll do it" Matt said quickly, whisking you away, desperate to be alone with you.

You changed into your pyjamas and climbed into bed, ready to watch a movie or whatever Matt wanted, you wasn't really that picky when it came to watching tv.

When Matt joined you in the comfy sheets, you instinctively both got closer and in a matter of minutes you were fully cuddling, your head resting on his chest and one of your legs in between his as you sat in a comfortable silence.

"What's up with Chris then?" You asked, looking up at Matt, slightly moving your head.
"We were just arguing in the car and I thought we were just messing around but he got upset and then annoyed at me." 
You gave him a sympathetic smile as you held him closer, your fingers twisting around his chocolatey hair.

"I'm sorry baby, is there anything I could do to help?"
He looked up at you and smirked.
"Distract me" he was trying not to laugh as he went a slight shade of pink.

You scoffed, "idiot" as your face leaned into his landing a long kiss on his lips.
What you didn't know was that that was going to turn into a make out session.

You pulled away, head going back to its original position in his warm chest, feeling his heart beat against your face, quicker than usual after what you had just been doing.
"Did that distract you enough?" You laughed.
"No I need more" he flirted.
"Too bad"
"Please" his face got closer as he nudged his nose against yours affectionately as he pleaded you with his words, actions and puppy dog eyes, which he knew you couldn't resist.

And that's why you whispered a small "I hate you" as you joined your lips together again.

Author's Note ::

Idk what I think to this one bro 😭 anyways thanks for reading, any requests in the comments please, I hope you enjoyed, have a nice day/ night, I love you all, byeee <3

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