𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓓𝓪𝓽𝓮

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Authors Note ::
Heyy guys not got many ideas so pretty basic but I hope you enjoy <3
Time ~ Afternoon

You looked in the mirror observantly as you applied your mascara, almost ready for the day about to come, you check the time nervously,
He said he'd be there for 4.

Today you and Matt were having your first date, unless you count staying up until the early hours in the morning playing Fortnite and Mario kart with him and his brothers a date of course.
You and Matt had been friends for years but only recently he found the courage to ask you out and obviously you replied with a happy yes.

And that's what led you to get lost in your thoughts, thinking about how you landed into your situation until you were interrupted by a knock at your door.
You cursed under your breath.
You got all your things together and rushed down the stairs, stopping momentarily so you could take a deep breath to calm your nerves.

You opened the door to a nervous looking, smiling Matt, standing with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, your favourite.
"Hi" you said awkwardly.
   "Hey" he looks at you, lovingly, "you look gorgeous" you began to blush, "thanks, you look quite handsome yourself" He looks down, now flustered himself

His eyes meet the flowers that he had already forgotten about after looking at you for 10 seconds, he slightly laughs and hands you them, "I remembered which ones you liked" and Matt couldn't stop the grin on his face as you looked at them in awe.
"Thank you, you didn't have to"
  "Of course I did, y/n, anyways, you ready to go?"

In reply, you took his hand with a smile and you walked to the minivan, he walked in front of you slightly so he could get to your door first so he could open it for you.

You thanked him as you giggled, amazed at how much he's done for you already, as little as those things might look on paper or to others.
As you drove to the restaurant, you and Matt chatted like normal, except from there was a flirtatious element to the conversation, from both sides too.

It kind of shocked you, neither you or Matt were overly flirty or confident people but that must change when it's just you two, it was like you brought out sides to each other that nobody else got to take part in, it felt special and you were loving every second of it.

When you got there, you and Matt kept on talking like how you were in the car, there was such a comfortable energy between you two that it nearly didn't feel like a first date, but in a good way. Things were going perfect, you hadn't said something stupid or fell over your own feet or anything like that, and that's when it began going downhill, you started getting anxious,
why is it going so well? Is this normal? Why hasn't something went wrong? Will something go wrong? I mean you had only just gotten to the restaurant, loads could go wrong from here, right?

"Hey, you ok?" Matt says, with a slight concerned expression on his face, reaching for your hand
   "Oh yeah, don't worry, everything's fine, are you ok?" You replied with a soft smile and gave his hand a small squeeze as you and him began to talk again and you started to feel more at ease, but just when you were getting comfortable, one of the prettiest girls you've ever seen walks into the main room from the kitchen, wearing a name tag, and of course to your luck, she was coming towards your table.

"Hi," she started talking  about the service and things like allergy concerns and menus and after a lifetime she finally stopped and left.
She also mentioned how she was going to serve you all night, which is just perfect, and she looked at Matt the whole time as she shared all of this with you.

A minute or so later she comes out with your menus and "accidentally" brushes her hand against Matt's and as she does so, he moves his away in an instant, which made you feel relieved.

The whole way through dinner, everything was going amazing, you and Matt were getting along perfectly, the food was great, the building itself had a sweet energy as music played softly in the background, and most significantly, you and Matt had been connected the whole time, you were either holding hands or you legs were wrapped around one another underneath the table cloth.

And then she came around again, with your drink refills, with such a strange, determined energy.

You watch her closely as she "accidentally" spills one of the drinks onto Matt, quick to grab a tissue and help dry him off as she kept looking up at him, desperate to make eye contact but he didn't even bat an eye at her as he held your hand with his other and looked into your eyes, like he had when he first saw you that day, like you were the only girl in the word.

The waitress looked up from what she was doing, scoffing and rolling her eyes when she saw you two, walking away quickly and you could tell she was embarrassed.

As she should be.

And of course before you left the restaurant you didn't forget to give her a wave and a fake smile as you and Matt walked out together happily.

On the drive home, you sat in a comfortable silence until you decided to speak up.
"Hey Matt?" You said, playing with your ring.
"What's up"
"Nothing- just thank you for choosing me over that girl" instantly regretting, realising how stupid that was to even say out loud.
"What?" He looked at you for a minute, a small, confused smile on his face.
"I mean- she was all over you and she was so pretty and I don't know I just-" you started to ramble until you were stopped by Matt's lips meeting yours, it was soft and reassuring, loving and passionate all in one, you were glad that the car was stationed at a red light in traffic.
"Why would I ever chose that random girl over the prettiest one I know?" He questioned, slightly going red.
"Prettiest girl you know?" You look back at him with a grin before reconnecting your lips.


Author's Note ::

Idk what I think to this and I wrote it just bc I was bored and I think I'm going to try post once every two days, I want to do one where they're in high school but other than that I don't know what would happen in it, comment if you have any ideas please, thank you for reading, bye I love you !! <3

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now