𝓛𝓲𝓹𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼

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Author's Note ::

Guys I had a few requests wrote in my notes app but it's deleted itself so I've lost them 💔.
So if you have given me a request that I've not done, please remind me, or feel free to give me new ones!
In this one you and Matt are dating and some of it is in his POV which is something I've not tried doing before, let me know what you prefer, enjoy!
Matt's POV ::

"You're such a loser" I laughed as Nick showed us a guy on his screen whilst squealing pathetically.
He scoffed dramatically as Chris joined in with the laughter, "I completely agree but you can't say anything Matt."
I turned to him, confused, "what do you mean?"
"You can't go a full day without kissing y/n."

He was right I couldn't to save my life but still, I didn't want him to know he was right.
"Pfft" I rolled my eyes which he could see right through as a thought popped into his head, "wanna bet?"
Chris knew I didn't, even Nick could tell while he was drooling on his phone.
"Sure" I said as confidently as I could while I shook my brother's hand.

Quickly gripping my hand tighter before he pulled away he said, "you can't tell her either".
My eyes widened slightly in shock from his statement.
If I couldn't tell her, she'd end up feeling hurt and I don't want my girl to be upset because of me.
Maybe I could try and be as casual as possible about it.

Usual POV ::

"Matt" you yelled from the top of the stairs as you made your way down, "yeah?".
As you met his eyes you responded, "do these look like they fit?" you asked, looking down at your new jeans nervously.
"Yeah they look cute" you blushed walking over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
As you were inches away from kissing him he quickly spoke, "speaking of cute, is that my sweater?"
He looked down at your body as you giggled, knowing you loved the stolen clothing loosely hugging your body.

Looking up at him again, you tried to lean in, thinking that just then was a mistake or a one off, quickly being proved wrong when he turned away from you. "The sky looks beautiful, y/n, look" but you weren't convinced by his excuses, if anything you felt rejected.
"Come on" you took his hand and started walking to your shared room, "why?" He asked as he obediently followed you, being tugged along slightly.
"I want to spend some time with my handsome boyfriend"

Blushing, he pulled you into his lap as both sat on the bed, straddling him.
Suddenly his arms wrapped around you tighter as his face got closer to your ear, "I'm sorry my love"
"What for?"
"So uh..." he spoke in a hushed tone, trying not to cause any attention from outside, "Chris was teasing me and then got me to make a bet saying that I couldn't kiss you for a day"
You laughed as you shook your head, "what were you even betting on?"
"I don't even know" he laughed with you, "but whatever it is, it's nowhere near as valuable as you"

"You're so corny" you giggled, trying to hide that you loved it when he acted like a dork.
"You love it" he smiled from ear to ear.
"How did you know? But still, this is what you get for not kissing me" you laughed as you attacked his face with small kisses being met with soft giggles from him as his cheeks glowed with a pink tint.
Soon, he was kissing your lips, both of you getting lost in the other. 
"Matt" you said as your lips parted for a second, trying to remind him.
"I know I don't care"

Until the doorknob twisted and you had to jump off of him swiftly.
"Hi Matt" Chris smiled sweetly, with fake innocence, "how's it going?"
"Perfect, I've not messed up" your boyfriend lied.
"Mhm" Chris laughed, "what's with the lipstick stains then?"

"Wait" you heard a yell from somewhere in the house, quickly being followed by Nick's presence, "how long did he last?" He asked to the boy who as checking his phone.
"3 minutes and uhh... 48 seconds" they both laughed.
"Pay up" Chris said happily as you laughed at the scene in front of you.

Matt just shrugged to you at what his brothers were doing and quickly placed his lips back on yours, holding your waist which was nearby the neighbouring butterflies in your stomach.

Author's Note ::

That was atrocious.
Have a nice day/night, I hope you enjoyed, I love you all byee <3

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now