𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽

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You woke up early and quietly, trying not to wake Matt up, you were gladly successful as you started getting ready for the day.

You were doing your makeup until you heard a sleepy groan behind you.
"Morning, babe" you said, finishing off what you were doing and then you walked over to the boy who was rubbing his eyes, buried in warmth under the covers.

As soon as he opened them and saw you, his gaze softened, smiling sweetly and your heart melted, "morning" he said, with a slight morning voice that he knew sent you crazy, anyone could tell by the way you blushed as you sat next to him and listened to it.

Matt sat up and placed his hand on your thigh, then leaning in for a kiss, you were annoyed at how flustered he had gotten you in the space of about 30 seconds so you turned your head before your lips connected.

He let out a dramatic scoff and grabbed your chin, making you face his way, "what was that for?"
"Stop" you laughed. He looked at you with a fake confused, hurt expression on his face.
"That's it, I'm starting the game." Matt said, with a serious tone.
"No. Not the game please I'm sorry." You practically begged, you hated the game when Matt had the upper hand.

"The game" was basically where you didn't kiss each other and whoever loses first has to do a certain dare.

"Nuh uh, too late, you brought this on yourself, my love" he got up and started getting ready for the day.

This was going to be dreadful.

Time skip - Afternoon

It was going well so far, you had nearly slipped up a few times in the day but then again, so did Matt and you were absolutely not losing,
1- you were too stubborn
2- Matt would never let you live it down
3- he always has the most ridiculous dares

The stubborn part was probably the main reason why you were still going. Everytime he'd come near you with the intentions of you messing up, you'd just ignore him fully by completely engaging in what you were doing before, diving back into your book, continuing to play your music, to return to scrolling on your phone.

He had taken notice to this obviously, seeing as he was determined to make you lose and he knew that underneath your stubborn and ambitious energy, you loved him and who wouldn't want to kiss their boyfriend if they loved him?

"Hey, Matt" you said as you walked into your guys' room and shut the door behind you,
"Hi y/n" he replied with a smirk, already prepared to try make a move on you, but he didn't know that you had a trick up your own sleeve.

You walked over to the wardrobe and scooped up some of your new dresses you had bought recently from a shopping trip with the triplets, one of the dresses that Matt had told you had apparently made you crazy and the image of you wearing it when you tried it on in the changing rooms would be the only thing he would think of all day.

He cleared his throat, "what are you doing?" He looked back and forth at you and his favourite dress, which had immediately caught his attention from the pile.
"I need to try them on, I want to know what I should wear next week" you said as you walked into the bathroom where you was going to get changed, "judge for me?"

Of course you went for his favourite first, you were done with this game, you were ready for him to forfeit as he should, you wanted to go back to giving and receiving casual kisses from each other, not fighting to do the complete opposite.

Before you returned to the room, you checked the mirror, quickly correcting any small mistakes in your makeup, like the slight smudges in your mascara.

You reached for the doorknob and took a deep breath before opening the door and walking into the bedroom,
"how do I look?" You asked, looking at the boy who was trying to hide his cheeks which continued to grow red at the sight of you.
"You look um" he stuttered, "wow" he moved over to the edge of the bed and patted his lap, which you were sat in in seconds.

"I know you want to kiss me" you said in a slight whisper, a playful smirk on your face.
"I know you do, go on" he replied
"You first" you slightly smiled as you nudged his nose against yours affectionately.
He looked up at you and then your lips and then after what felt like many, longing years, they were finally connected, and it felt amazing.

There was no feeling you desired more, he made every kiss feel like your first and last simultaneously, and when you kissed there was nothing other than him you could think of, especially as he placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer.

You both pulled away, nearly panting.
You wiped the top of your lip and climbed off of him, "loser" you smirked as you went back into the bathroom and got changed again.

Authors Note ::

I've not proof read this yet but I feel like it's ok idk 😭 I hope you enjoyed, requests in the comments please, have a nice day/night, I love you all byeee <3

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now