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Author's Note ::

Not dating in this one to start !!

As you woke up, you let out a groan, realizing that today was Monday.
The day you hated the most of course and it wasn't just for the stereo typical reasons like "the end of the weekend" or whatever, it was your lessons too.
Especially science.

You were terrible at it and had no friends in your class, but the worst part of it was him.
Matthew Sturniolo.

You were best friends with his brothers but ever since you met he had been nothing but rude to you, which made you attempt to hold back from the crush you had on him.

But as you grew older, it was harder to fight as he became more handsome with age and his charm grew, which you didn't know was possible.

However, you had to hide your feelings and reciprocate the negative energy that he directed towards you.

And that's why you dreaded seeing him every day, forced into a routine of competitive hatred in classes and sometimes out of them too.

Of course to your luck, you got paired up with him in science for a project.
"Hey, partner" he said, emphasising the words with his disgust as you walked over to the desk.

"Oh shut up, let's just get this done"  you rolled your eyes as you both set up your equipment as you kept on bickering from time to time.
As you looked around the table, you noticed that you didn't have a microscope.
You sighed as you got up from your place, going to the supply closet.

Looking up, you found that the microscopes were placed on a higher shelf as you shone your phone torch around the small room.
After multiple failed attempts, you walked back into the lab, already feeling ashamed for what you were about to do.

Ask Matt for help.

"Hey Matt?" You looked at him.
"What is it?"
"Uhh we need a microscope and I.. can't reach it" you explained awkwardly and felt like crying of embarrassment when he slightly laughed.

He stayed sat in his seat and gave you a strange look.
"Ask me nicely" he looked at you with a sickeningly fake sweet smile plastered on his face.
"Matt could you pretty please get the microscope from the supply closet for our project?"
He stood up and looked down at you, a small smile appearing on his face.

"So tell me" he stepped closer, "why do you need me to get the microscope?" A frown was placed onto your face.
He was trying to get you to admit that he was taller because he would always tease you for your height.

Matt smirked at you as you spoke "because I'm short and I can't reach it, you happy now?"
You looked up to see him nod.

You walked into the supply closet, grabbing your phone to use the light on it, helping matt grab the item.
However, he accidentally knocked something over that fell onto your arm, which was now bleeding due to the sharp, metal- like material's contact with it.

Matt instantly dropped everything, took your phone and placed it down, gently holding your arm.
"Are you ok?" You looked up to find him appearing genuinely worried, which confused you slightly.

"Yeah don't worry" you replied but quickly proved your statement wrong by wincing when Matt's hand went near the cut.

"Come on, I'll get you a bandage." He grabbed your other hand and led you out of the room, taking you to the school nurse's office, which was empty seeing as it was afterschool.

Matt sat you down on a chair which he had dragged next to the sink.
You watched him as he got a cotton ball and wet it with cold water.

"Right" he started as he pulled up a chair, sitting besides you, "this is gonna hurt a bit but it'll stop the bleeding, okay?" His tone was soft as he talked you through it.

As soon as the cotton touched your skin you felt yourself grabbing for Matt's hand, squeezing it tightly.
"All done, good job beautiful" he smiled.
How could one word make you feel like you were floating?
"Now we just need a bandage" he said, moving around the room, checking in various drawers and such.

Once Matt had it he placed it onto your arm, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"I'm sorry" he looked down at the floor, embarrassed.
"It's ok don't worry and to be honest I'm surprised you didn't do it on purpose." You slightly laughed.

"On purpose? Why would I do that?" He questioned.

"Because you hate me" now he looked more confused than ever.

"No I don't, I actually really like you I just didn't want you to know so that's why-" you quickly cut off his rambling with a gentle kiss to the lips, which he quickly adjusted to as you both carried it on.

Author's Note ::
Sorry for the rushed ending but I'm nearly falling asleep here guys 😓 anyways I hope you enjoyed, requests in the comments please, have a nice day/night, I love you all byeee <3

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