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Author's note ::

You guys start off as friends in this one, also thanks for 300 reads on my first part this is actually crazy, I love you allll

You had a problem.
A really bad problem. 

You had finally become aware of these feelings you were having, being flustered, smiling a lot, shivering at their touch, to your best friend.

You hated how you felt because you were scared you were gonna ruin everything, and that's why it's a secret, nobody should ever know that you like Matthew Sturniolo in ways that you shouldn't.

Time - Afternoon

Right now you were filming a video with them, in the car, talking about random memories and stories from your years of being friends with them. You and Nate were both there so it was a little tight, Matt let Nate sit in the front as he was the guest, and by that you meant that he offered both of you and Nate raced you to the car after leaving the McDonalds, you didn't mind being sat in the back with Nick, but with Matt too.
This is ridiculous.

As soon as Matt got in beside you it was too much, your legs and arms constantly brushing against one another, sometimes even being stationed there for multiple minutes until he moved again.
You didn't dare to move.
You weren't even paying attention to anything that was going on, how could you?

And then it started getting worse, Chris and Matt were arguing and Chris threw something into the back at Matt but he caught it, hands inches away from your thigh, you looked up at him and went slightly red and surprisingly, he did too.

"Oh my god, it's so warm in here" you said, playing it off, fanning your face.
"Yeah, I'm dying" Matt agreed as he opened the car door all of a sudden.
Slightly confused, you watched as he stepped out and pulled his hoodie over his head taking it off.
You couldn't help but notice the way that his shirt was being tugged up with the hoodie and you tried to stop yourself from staring, turning your attention back into the car with the laughing teens.

In your daze you hadn't realised that Nick was noticing all of this.
All of it.

Time skip ~ Evening

You were all hanging out in the triplet's living room, watching the Scream movies, you loved the franchise so much but you, admittedly, watch it too much.

By the time that you had finished the 2nd movie, nobody had any snacks or drinks left.

"Come on, Nate, Chris, let's go to the store" Matt said and the two boys followed eager behind him as they saw his credit card in his pocket.

As soon as the door shut Nick turned to you, "Young lady." He says, you laugh, confused,
"What's going on with you and Matt?" He says with an amused look on his face.
"Nothing" you say, trying to sound normal but your cheeks start to redden, you've always been a good liar but Nick's one of those people you can't lie to, he sees straight through it.
"Alright then" he says giving you a very unconvinced sigh as he leans back into the couch, shaking his head as he reaches for his phone, mindlessly scrolling away.

"One sec, I'm just gonna go get a blanket" you stutter as you run to Matt's room and grab your favourite blanket that he kept in his wardrobe for you.
With the blanket you sit on the bed and weigh out your options.
You could tell Nick but what if he thinks you're weird for liking his brother, if it's awkward, if it's gross, if it makes him uncomfortable? But then again,
Nick was your best friend and even though you're both opinionated people he wouldn't be so upset over a silly little crush, right?

You settle on that decision and bring yourself to the living room before you could change your mind.
"You're right, I do like Matt, I'm sorry please don't think I'm weird, I'm not gonna do anythi-"
"Oh" that wasn't Nick's voice? It came from his direction and it sounded like him but what?
Nick looks up to you and turns his phone screen around, he was on call to Matt- on speaker.

Authors note ::
Heyy guys I don't know what I think to this one because there's not much detail and I wrote it really quick so yeah but I hope you enjoyed it, requests in the comments please, byeee have a nice day/ night, I love you all <3

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