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Author's Note ::

In this one, you and Matt have a toddler, this hasn't really got anything to do with the part before but if you want to imagine it does, go ahead of course!
But anyways, I hope you enjoy and thank you for 7.83k reads, it's insane <3

(Just in case it's not clear the kid's name is Emma, sorry if you don't like that name/ prefer another, just imagine it differently!)

"Cmon just try it" you sighed as the little girl in front of you played with her food, giggling.
"Nooo" even though you were slightly annoyed by her reluctancy, you couldn't help but smile at just how adorable she was.
A cute little button nose, the same eyes as you and the same soft brown hair as her dad's.

She was the cutest thing you had ever seen and to think that she's in this world because of the love that you and Matt shared made you feel overwhelmed with in inexplicable sense of happiness that flooded your heart.

You looked down at the pouting child in her chair, "just 3 carrots and after we'll play Barbie"
Her face lit up as she looked at you, "Barbie?" Emma smiled widely as she picked up her food and ate it obediently.

"Can I be the princess?" She asked as you lifted her from her chair, placing her on the floor with you.
"Of course, who should I be?" You watched as she reached into her Barbie collection and all of a sudden, you felt like it was Christmas morning again, watching her open her gifts, jumping up and down with joy and excitement to find at least half of them being Barbie dolls or sets.

"You can be... her" she said as she pulled a doll out of the pile, "look mommy, the dress is your favourite color, and so is mine!" You smiled at her,
"Wait, wait, wait, we need husbands" you slightly laughed at how serious she looked,
"I've already got a husband" you laughed.
"That's fine, you can have a new one today, daddy won't mind" she passed you a Ken doll and you then played for at least an hour as The Little Mermaid was on in the background.

"Mommy" Emma tapped you, "I'm hungry" she pouted.
"Ok, want some fruit?"
"Strawberries! Oh and grapes!" She clapped her hands as you left, a small smile on your face as you cherished these moments with your daughter, being home alone, watching Disney movies, playing Barbie's, everything had felt so special with her.
Emma had changed yours and Matt's lives in ways you would forever be grateful for.

You walked into the living room, shocked to see it looked like a tornado had flown through your house, despite you had been gone for no more than five minutes.
"Emma Sturniolo" you looked at her firmly.
"I'm sorry mommy" she looked at you with her best puppy dog eyes and as always, you struggled to be mad at her.
"It's fine honey, just eat your fruit" you smiled as you set them on her table.

You turned around to face the mess and groaned, nearly crying with relief when you heard keys jangling.
"Daddy!" Emma jumped out of her chair, running to the front door and when you followed you found her spinning in Matt's arms.
You looked at them lovingly, the two people you loved the most in the world.

Matt put her down and she ran back into the living room as you walked over to Matt,
"Hey gorgeous" he pulled you in by the belt loops, giving you a kiss before you could reply, "hi, you ok?" You asked, hands on his chest.

You talked for a couple of minutes until he started walking into the living room,
"Oh wait I forgot to tell you-" he opened the door, looked back at you and laughed, "what happened?"
You sighed, "I don't even know, I left for like two minutes" laughing a bit yourself.

"It's ok we'll sort it out in a sec" he sat down and patted the space next to him, which you were at quickly, nestling into his side as his arm was wrapped around you, his embrace warm and comforting, the same as always.

Once Emma had finished eating she came and laid down with you, and by that you meant fully on top of you, "Young lady, get off of me right now!" You shouted in a playful manner,
"No!" She replied with the same tone, giggling.
After countless tickle attacks, she finally climbed off of you, laying beside you instead.

You loved your little family, even just thinking about it made you smile, and that's why you turned to give Matt a loving kiss, "Eww grosss" Emma pointed at you two and laughed and in an instant you and Matt were laughing with her.

Author's Note ::

I hope you guys liked that! Let me know if you prefer parent ones or just normal in the comments and any other requests in the comments too please, have a nice day/night, I love you all byeee <3

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now